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9 months later

Xayk flies freely through the skies whilst I sit carefully on his back. I lean forward, placing one hand on my big stomach and the other on his head; patting him softly.

It's so peaceful up here. The wind in my hair and fresh smell of salty water below us. I can reach out and touch the clouds, pulling my hand back with a small smile on my face.

Xayk gawks, ruffling slightly in the air before flying smoothly again as he chirps. I pat the part of his back that was in front of me and I feel his content through our bond.

"Are you still afraid of heights?" I ask.

"No," Aonung mumbles, clinging desperately to my boobs as he buries his face in my shoulder.

He couldn't hold on to my waist because of our baby so Aonung said he had to 'get a grip on something big'. I think he just wanted an excuse to touch them.

"We're close to the water," I chuckle.

"Yea well last time we flew on Xayk we got lost in the middle of the ocean and almost died," Aonung reminds me.

"So?" I smile.

"I'm also worried about her," Aonung places his hands on my belly.

"It's not a girl," I shake my head.

"Yes it is," He says proudly.

"Nope," I disagree.

"Your really so sure?" Aonung asks and I nod. "How about a bet then?"

"Im listening," I smile.

"If it's a girl, we have another one, if it's a boy he'll be our last," Aonung proposes.

"I like that idea," I agree, holding his hand that was on my stomach. "My vagina needs a break."

"From the sex or the babies?" Aonung questions quickly.

"The babies," I laugh and he sighs of relief.

"Good, let's head back now, there's no way Tsireya and Lo'ak will still be alive if we don't," Aonung taps my tummy as his hands return to my boobs.


Xayk makes a sharp turn as we head back to the village, skimming across the water. I reach my hand down, water sliding against my finger tips as I laugh.

"Careful," Aonung holds me tighter.

"I'm fine Ao," I smile. 

"That's new," His brows furrow.

"What is?" I ask as Xayk straightens up, and flies higher form the water.

"You normally only call me 'Ao' during sex," Aonung shrugs.

"Shut up," I hit his shoddier lightly.

"What? It's true," Aonung chuckles.


Distant screams and laughs come from Tsireya and Lo'aks Mauri. We could see Tùsnua standing in the door way, waiting for us with a smile on her face.

"Mama, dad!" She cheers, running towards us.

Once she calls for us Lubìta, Viata and Hyvä all run out of the Mauri towards us, screaming with joy.

I walk towards them, patting there heads as I say hi before walking towards the Mauri. They jump onto Aonung, making him fall back as they giggle.

Lo'ak and Tsireya emerge from their Mauri with exhaustion written over their faces. I smile, reaching my hands out to hug them both.

"Hope they weren't too much trouble," I chuckle and they laugh.

"No they were fine, just tiring," Lo'ak shrugs.

"I was surprised you guys offered to babysit, normally we have to ask," I remember.

"We needed the practise," Lo'ak stands behind Tsireya, placing his hands on her stomach.


"Really?" I ask and they nod. "That's amazing, I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Lubìta you can't punch your brother in the balls again!" Aonung warns.

We all turn around to look at them; Aonung was trying to get Lubìta off Hyvä as they wrestled whilst Tùsnua and Viata held his tail, trying to pull him back.

Aonung is such a fantastic father, he has a way with the kids. He knows exactly what to say and do like he was destined to be a dad.

"Hyvä is just like Aonung when he was younger," Tsireya giggles.

"Really?" I smirk.

"Probably worse, just ask my mum," Tsireya smiles.

"Then hopefully Hyvä grows to be like Aonung," I smile.

"Aonung may be good now but remember what he was like when we first came to the island," Lo'ak chuckles.

"I hated him," I laugh with Lo'ak.

"I knew you two were going to get together," Tsireya shakes her head with a smile.

"How'd you know?" I ask, my brows furrowing.

"The way you looked at each other. Your eyes were filled with admiration, attraction, undying feelings for each other," Tsireya explains. "It was like there was an invisible thread connecting you two."

"Deep," Lo'ak nods and Tsireya giggles.

I take in her words, looking over to Aonung but he's already looking at me. The kids are hanging off his legs and arms, but he was looking at me. He smiled, winking at me before turning back to the kids with a happy expression.

"See," Tsireya points at Aonung and then me.

"I guess I see your point," I nod, smiling.

When I was around six and my mother and I were barely surviving I would constantly think about the future; about what my life would be like.

At the start I would picture the best possible things to happen to my mother and I. But as the years went by my expectations lowered dramatically and instead of praying to be happy, I'd pray to live. Life wasn't about living any more, it was about surviving.

Now I have a perfect life; the one I would dream about ever night for months. I have three beautiful daughters, a gorgeous son, another baby on the way and I'm happily mated to Aonung.


Eywa I hated him with a passion when we first met. That smug smirk he wore almost constantly and his confident personality, it was so, engaging. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't steer myself away from him. I'm so glad I didn't.

"Oh," I gasp.

My stomach suddenly tightens in pain, and I let out a groan, holding onto Tsireyas arm because it was near by.

"T are you okay," She asks.

"Yea I'm fine," I sigh, trying to stand up straight but immediately stopping when it hurts.

"Aonung," Lo'ak calls out and he runs over to us.

The kids run over with Aonung and I immediately shake my head.

"Who wants to collect rocks with uncle Lo'ak?" Lo'ak asks as he walks away quickly and they all follow him.

"What's wrong?" Aonung asks, helping me stand as I groan.

"It's just hurts, I'll be fine," I shrug.

"Maybe your in labour?" Tsireya suggests.

"My water hasn't broke ye-."

I'm cut off by water pouring down my legs and I groan, annoyed with the timing.

"Your water broke," Aonungs eyes widen.

"You think!"


OK! I uploaded on my tik tok account @thedevilshairiswhite about this book so go like it up 🤪

What will the babies gender be?

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