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9 months later

Clutching my stomach I walked steadily through the village, taking slow steps to try and minimise the pain I'm feeling.

Aonung was a couple feet behind me because I demanded he gave me space but he didn't want to be to far away from me.

The sand is soft against my feet as the water splashes against the shore. It's a beautiful day, the sky is such a gorgeous color.

My stomach suddenly tightens and a sharp pain envelops my body. I bend over, holding my large stomach as i wince.

"Aonung," I whisper but he's already rubbing my back comfortably.

"You okay?" He asks softly.

"I think so-," I'm cut off by my water breaking and trickling down my legs. "Oh shit."

"Oh my, this is happening, ok its happening! Don't worry we've trained for this day and night-."

"I'm not worried," I chuckle.

"I was talking to me Takara," Aonungs face scrunches.

"Go get Ronal, Neytiri, Kiri, Gyxka and Skaus," I demand.

"That's a lot of Nav-."


"I'll be back, you stay right here," Aonung kisses my forehead, smiling at me. "We're going to have a baby!"


"You son of a bitch!" I scream loudly, squeezing Aonungs hand so hard it might fall off.

"Keep pushing," Ronal advises.

"What do you think I'm doing!" I yell, throwing my head back as I let out another scream.

Aonung wipes the sweat away from my face, trying his best to comfort me as I give birth to his child.

"How- much," I pause, catching my breath. "Longer!"

"Not too long," Neytiri smiles.

"Get out of me!" I scream.

"You can do it," Neytiri holds my other hand.

"I can't- I cant!" I shake my head before turning to Aonung. "So help me Eywa if I make it out of this we will never have sex again!"

"Let's not be unreasonab-."

"Aonung!" We all yell and he immediately shuts up.

"Sorry," He mutters.

"Oh damn," Skaus mutters as she stood behind Ronal.

"Fuc- fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck you!" I drag out the 'you'.

"Come on T!" Kiri encourages.

"Why is the baby's head so big!" I yelp.

"That's natu-."

"Shut up Aonung!" I yell before screaming again.

"Your in pain, I'm not going to take that to heart," I hear him whisper.

"Focus Takara," Neutiri advises.

"I'm tryi- AHH!" I belt.

"Go T, go, your doing amazing!" Gyxka cheers softly.

"I'm never doing this again ever! This will be your only grandchild!" I squeeze my eyes shut tightly as I push, opening them when I feel a spit second of relief.

"One final push Takara, come on!" Ronal says firmly.

I let out a loud scream as I squint my eyes shut again tightly, trying my best. Every bit of me hurts so bad. My vagina fucking aches.

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