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"Takara!" Neteyam calls out and I instantly look at him.


"She's awake!" He smiles.

Oh thank Eywa

I instantly run towards the Mauri, slowing down when I get to the entrance. I step through, seeing Ronal puffing as she stands up.

"Thank you," I thank her as she walks out, she smiles at me.

Kiri cries as she wakes up. I immediately walk towards her, sitting next to Tuk as I rest a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Kiri," Neytiri whispers as she holds her hand up to her face. Kiri cries even louder as she says it hurts.

"Where does it hurt baby girl?" Jake asks Kiri.

"Everywhere," she whispers with teary eyes.

"Ok everyone out please, we need to give her some space," Jake tells us all and we obliged.

We all stand outside the Mauri, having to listen to her cry and wail in pain. It made my heart ache.

"Kiri," Tuk cries as she hugs my leg.

I pick her up, wrapping my arms around her waist and she wraps her legs around mine. She cries into my shoulder and I just stare blankly at the floor.

"At least she's awake," Lo'ak mutters and we all hum.

We all looked so tired, we've been up all night as we waited for Kiri to wake. Now that she's awake we don't know what to do, she's in so much pain.

Tsireya, Roxto and Aonung just stood there awkwardly as we all listened to the pain Kiri expressed.

She lets out a particularly loud cry and I squeeze my eyes shut, refusing to cry as I look up to the sky, shaking my head.

Don't cry

We stood outside the Mauri for hours as we waited for Kiri to feel better. Some of us sat down, even laid down. But I stood.

I stood the entire time as I held Tuk in my arms and stared at the ground below, barely blinking as I pray over and over again.

Eywa please

Eventually Tuk wants to lay down and so I put her on the ground and she lays on Neteyams lap, falling asleep almost instantly.

"T please sit down, you must be exhausted," Neteyam pleads.

I can't sit, if I sit I'll sleep, and I can't sleep. I can't sleep knowing that Kiri is in their feeling all this pain over something I could've prevented.

"I need to do something," I mumble. "Is anyone hungry?" 

"Yes," they all murmur.

"I'll go get some food," I say blankly as I walk away.

"I'll come with you," Aonung walks after me.

Normally I would argue and tell him to leave but I don't have the energy right now. I'm sleep deprived and starving.

We walk in silence, heading to the communal area in hopes of finding some food.

"She'll be okay," Aonung whispers.

"I know," I mumble. "But what is she's not?"

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