Chapter 2

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 Y/n: James, are you almost ready? We are going to be late!

James came running in the room with his hair still messy and his shoes untied

James: can you help me tie my shoes?

I helped James with his shoes

Y/n: did you pack your toys?

James: yep

I walked in the bathroom and  grabbed a comb and some gel and fixed James's hair

A car horned outside and I knew it was John B in the twinkie waiting for me and James

Y/n: go grab your toys 

James grabbed his toys and we walked to the twinkie

John B: Hey!

Y/n: Hey! Thank you so much for doing this

John B: I also had an appointement for DCS, so it's all good. Well hello little man

James: Hi!


James and I were waiting for our turn while John B was inside talking to Cheryl

After a few minutes John B walked out

John B: good luck, I'll wait out here. I swear that woman is really getting on my nerves

Y/n: tell me about it

James and I walked in

Cheryl: Y/n, James.

Y/n: Cheryl.

Cheryl: I'm going to get straight to the point, we don't think it's best the for you and especially James to live with your mother in these circumstances involving your mother's drinking problem

Y/n: we're fine, my mother's fine

Cheryl: I know you guys are fine but it's not healthy to work so much at your age. What are you going to do when school starts again?

Y/n: I'm almost 18, I think I can handle myself

Cheryl: but what about James?

I sigh

Cheryl: look I'm sorry Y/n but we're going to take matters into our own hands if your mother doesn't get her things together. Tommorow I'm going to come by and check on your mother and the house to see if you're really fine

Y/n: okay whatever.

Cheryl: If you're mother is not looking her best, we're going to move further with foster care. I want to assure you, we're gonna find you and James a safe and loving home.

Y/n: that's bullshit! I'm almost 18, you can't do that

Cheryl: it's the law, I'm sorry


Y/n: ugh I can't believe that woman she's threatening me and James with fostercare. Can you believe it fostercare come on what kind of fucked up thing is that to do to me, I'm almost 18 like serious.

John B: you too? She coming tommorow to talk to my uncle who is MIA, so I'm fucked

Y/n: yeah same they're checking up on my mom to see if she's decent, she's not, so yeah I'm also fucked

John B: she really thought I was happy to hear that 

Y/n: yes! Like who the fuck is happy to hear they're going to fostercare?

John B: exactly!


I dropped James off at school to hang out with the pogues 

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