Chapter 17

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We finally land in Nassau and arrive at the house. My back is killing me and I need to pee.

I get out fo the car 

Y/n: where's the toilet?

Ward: end of the hall at your right

Y/n: thank you

I run to the toilet and do my business. Then I walk back to the living room and see Ward open a vault which is filled with gold

Y/n: damn. When did you steal it?

Rafe: is that real?

Ward: son, that's the realest thing there is. And Y/n to answer your question, I didn't steal it you guys were just messy

Rafe: you found the Royal Merchant?

Ward: all this gold, it's our now

He puts some gold in Rafe's hand

Rafe: jesus

Ward: it can't bring your sister back, but it can save us.

I start rubbing my lower back because it hurts

Rafe:  I mean I'm looking at what here?

Ward: half a billion

Rafe: half a billion

Y/n: wow

Rafe: oh my god. Holy shit! WOOHOO! 

I laugh at how happy he is

Rafe: dad! What? How is this possibile, huh?

Ward: look Rafe, listen I know I'm hard on you. I'm real hard on you, all right? I know that

Rafe: yeah

Ward: this is why you need to hear this. The day on the tarmac, right? 

Rafe: yeah

Ward: this is what was on the cargo plane. You are the only reason we were able to fly that out. You, Rafe. No gold. 

They hug and I start crying. These fucking hormons!

Rafe looks at me and suddenly his whole expression changes to concern

Rafe: hey, what's wrong?

Y/n: nothing, I'm just emotional

Rafe: ah baby

He kisses my forehead and then hugs me


We wake up early and put the gold in boxes. I crouch down to lift a box and put it in the the truck

Rafe: wow wow wow wow woh. No You're not going to help. You're pregnant with our child and I'm not going to let you do anything.

Y/n: fine

I'm actually glad I don't need to lift a finger but I feel useless

When they're finally done putting the boxes in the truck, 2 other trucks with security and guns park and talk to Ward. I walk to Rafe and hug him from behind because he was busy staring at something or someone

Y/n: hey

Rafe: hey

He turns around and kisses my forehead, I pout my lips and he gets the clue because then he kisses me

Ward: let's go!

We get in the truck

Ward: buckle up

The truck comes to a stop because there are kids banging on the trucks

Ward: what is this?

Rafe: oh god. It's just some kids

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