Chapter 45

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The next morning

Y/n: Rafe? Why don't we just go away like before? After my dad's wedding and after the baby is born of course. Find our own place? We could start fresh, away from all the noise and drama. Just you and me, creating our own little world, our own little family. What do you say?

Rafe: you know I'd follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked me to. It's a big decision, especially with the baby on the way and everything else.

Y/n: does that mean I can start looking at some houses in other cities or countries?

Rafe: yes, you can.

Y/n: Yippiee!

I grab my laptop, get settled on the couch and start browsing, with Rafe by my side.

We spend hours poring over listings, discussing our preferences, and dreaming about the life we could build together in each location.

As we narrow down our options, excitement bubbles within us, fueling our determination to find the perfect place to start our fresh chapter. We envision cozy little cottages nestled in picturesque countryside settings, sleek apartments overlooking bustling cityscapes, and charming beachfront villas with the sound of waves lulling us to sleep.

With each new possibility, our bond grown stronger. We laugh, we argue, we compromise, but through it all, we remain untied in our vision of creating a haven of love and happiness for our growing family.

Y/n: Rafe, this one is perfect. It's close to a daycare and a school and a bit further is a highschool. There is a beach not so far away too and there is a store nearby and a bakery and-

I trail off, suddenly realizing that I've been rambling on without giving Rafe a chance to speak. I blush, feeling slightly embarrassed for my outburst of excitement.

Rafe chuckles warmly and reaches out to gently cup my face in his hand. 

Rafe: hey, it's okay. I love seeing you so enthusiastic about our future together. And you're right, this place does sound perfect. We'll email it later.

Y/n: why not now?

I press my lips to his in a searing kiss, pouring all of my longing and anticipation into the embrace. His response is immediate, his hands tangling in my hair as he deepens the kiss, his passion matching mine with every stroke of his tongue.

I begin to unbutton his pants and I sank to my knees before him. 

Rafe: carefull. 

My mouth watering at the sight of him standing there, hard and ready for me. Without hesitation, I take him into my mouth, savoring the taste of him as I begin to work my magic, driving him wild with pleasure.

As I take him deeper and deeper, I can feel the tension building within him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he nears the edge. With a low groan, he finally reaches his peak, spilling over the edge in a wave of ecstasy that leaves us both breathless and spent.


A/n: Wanted to add a little spice in here, but not to much. I hope you like it.

word count: 501

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