Chapter 15 - 🌶️

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I wanted to go home but instead I go to the Cameron's residence

I knock on the door and Rafe answers not looking so good

Y/n: hey

Rafe: hey, what are you doing here?

Y/n: I- I miss you

Rafe: Y/n-

Y/n: no just listen, please.

Rafe: let's go to my room

We head to his room and he closes the door

Y/n:  look I know you don't want to be with me anymore and that you don't love me anymore. But I can't pretend anymore... I can't act like everything is fine. For the sanity of my heart and for the clarity of my mind. I'm confessing that I love you and that I have no fucking clue what to do without you.

Without another word he steps closer, grabs my face and kisses me, desperate. 

He leans his forehead against mine

Rafe: I can't live without you too. I fucking love you and it scares me.

Y/n: it scares me too. But we'll figure it out

He kisses me again and guides me to the bed. I fall on my back and he kisses my collerbone then down my tits. He sucks on my nipple and then comes back up to kiss my lips.

I grab onto his hair and start to tug at it a bit. He then starts kissing down my body until he gets to my stomach, lifting my shirt and taking it off and unclicking my bra. Then getting to my sweatpants and panties also taking them off. 

I open my legs wider so he has more access. Rafe starts to kiss my clit and press his thumb against it. He then swirls his tongue around my pussy. He uses my arousal as lub as he enters two of his fingers inside of me. He starts to finger me fast as he also eats me out. 

Y/n: ah fuck. Rafe, I'm gonna cum

Rafe: cum for me baby.

I grip onto the sheets with one hand and the other in Rafe's hair as I cum

Y/n: Rafe yes... shit, fuck yes.

He climbs back up and start to kiss me, I could taste myself on his lips. He takes off his pants and boxers and tshirt

He lines himself up and then thrusts into me. I let out a loud moan as he begins to go at a faster pace.

Rafe: fuck

Rafe continues to fuck me hard. I can feel myself coming again. My legs start to shake

Rafe thrusts harder and faster. I cum as he sloppily thrusts into me. I feel his cock twitch inside of me and I feel warm liquid fill me up. Damn I missed this.

Rafe lies down next to me and I grab his shirt of the floor pulling it over my body.

We cuddle and fall asleep quickly. I think that was the best sleep ever.


Rafe POV

I lay awake cuddeling Y/n. She's sleeping peacefully but I can't get to sleep. Peterkin's death is hunting me. I killed her and I fucking regret it.

I hear heavy breathing like someone else is in the room when I suddenly hear my dad 

Ward: Rafe

I turn around and look at him

Rafe: what? What is it?

Ward: I need your help

I put on some clothes and get downstairs careful not to wake Y/n

Ward: I need you to just stay calm and stay quiet, okay? Okay?

Rafe: yeah.

He takes off a tarp from his truck

Rafe: what is that?

Ward: It's a body, son.

Rafe: oh my god. Oh my God. It's a body? I gotta know. Did you do this? Whose... Whose body is it?

Ward: it doesn't matter, Rafe.

Rafe: what are you talking about? Whose body is it, dad?

Ward: be quiet!

Rafe: you need to tell me whose body that is! Whose body is it? Huh?

He slaps a hand over my mouth

Ward: stop it! Stop it! Stop talking. It's Gavin

He removes his hand

Rafe: Gavin?

Ward: Gavin

Rafe: wait, the pilot?

 He nods

Rafe: I don't un... I don't understand. What'd he do? What'd he do? What'd he do?

Ward: he was trying to blackmail us, Son. I-

Rafe: What? Blackmail? What are you talking about?

Ward: the day at the... On the tarmac when you shot Peterkin, I needed to trust him because I needed him to fly the plane to the Bahamas. Okay?

Rafe: right

Ward: I gave him the gun, the gun that you used, and I told him to throw it out the window over the ocean on his way to the Bahamas. But he didn't he kept it.

Rafe: wait, wait, wait. What... What do you mean, he kept it? 

Ward: He kept the gun that you killed Peterkin with so he could blackmail us for more money.

Rafe: why would he do that?

Ward: he was gonna turn you in, Rafe. He said you were a psychopath and that he wasn't going to jail for you. Now will you please help me carry him to the boat?

I exhale

Y/n: he won't do shit. I've been standing here long enough to know what is going on so I suggest that you clean your own shit or I'll turn you in.

Rafe: Y/n...

Y/n: shut up, we've got some talking to do. You Ward clean up your own shit. If you can kill someone and bring the body here I guess you can bring the body to your own fucking boat.

Damn my girl has some balls


A/n: What do we think?

word count: 871

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