Chapter 53

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1 more week till the wedding and I'm stressing out. There is still so much that needs to be done! 

The days had slipped by in a blur of planning, preparation, and endless to-do lists. Despite our best efforts to stay organized, it seemed like there was always something else that needed attention. From finalizing seating arrangements to conforming last-minute details with vendors, the countdown to the big day was on, and the pressure was mounting.

I sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by stacks of invitations, place cards, and wedding favors, my head spinning with a whirlwind of thoughts and tasks. Rafe was by my side, addressing envelopes and double-checking RSVP's, while Maeve lay in her bassinet, cooing sofly as she observed the bustling activity around her.

Y/n: I can't believe the wedding is only a week away.

Rafe: not having second thoughts, right?

Y/n: what? No of course not. I want to marry you more than anything in this world.

Rafe: I was just kidding.

Rafe's attempt at lightening the mood brought a smile to my lips, but the stress remained.

Y/n: I know you were. It's just... there's still so much to do.

Rafe: we'll get throught it, love. We've come this far, haven't we?

His words were reassuring, but they did little to quell the rising tide of anxiety within me. 

Y/n: I just want everything to be perfect.

Rafe: it will be perfect because it'll be our day. No matter what happens, at the end of it all, I'll be married to you. And that's all that truly matters.

With a deep breath,  I nodded, reminding myself to focus on the bigger picture.

Y/n: you're right. Thank you.

Rafe: always, my dear. Now, why don't we tackle one thing at a time? We'll start with these invitations and work our way down the list.

And so, we dove back into the chaos together, methodically addressing envelopes, cross-referencing guest lists, and ensuring that every detail was accounted for.

As the hours passed and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, we finally reached the end of our to-do list for the day. The kitchen table, once buried beneath stacks of paper and stationery, was now clear, save for a few stray pens and scattered scraps.

Y/n: I can't believe we got through it all.

Rafe: we make a pretty good team, don't we?

Y/n: the best.

Rafe: want to order some food and watch a movie with Maeve?

Y/n: Chinese food?

Rafe: whatever you want.


A/n: There's a thunderstorm outside and I'm fucking scared of them so sorry for the short chapter. But I'm gonna cry now, BYE and stay safe, I love you.

word count: 433

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