Chapter 5

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I got on the back of Rafe's bike, hugging him tight feeling his abs. We suddenly stopped and we got off the bike.

Y/n: where are we?

Rafe: come on

He holds out his hand and I take it, following him

Y/n: why are we at the beach?

Rafe: this is the best part of the beach, I always come here

Y/n: how many other woman have you brought here?

Rafe: none, I come here alone

Y/n: then why bring me?

Rafe: I don't know it just felt right. 

Y/n: I'm hungry

Rafe starts laughing, I made Rafe Cameron laugh wow

Rafe: don't worry, I've got you

We walk a bit further and there is a little cabin and Rafe takes out a key opening it, inside is a little couch and mini fridge and a surfboard

Y/n: this is so cute. So what's in the fridge?

Rafe opens it and takes out some wraps

Y/n: give me give me

Rafe: when was the last time you ate? You're like a hungry lion

He hands me the wrap

Y/n: I stole some food from the kitchen in the Wreck, I'm always hungry

Rafe: do you want pepsi, beer or water?

Y/n: pepsi please

Rafe: coming right up

I take a bite from the wrap 

Y/n: thank you for everything

Rafe hands me a pepsi

Rafe: let's make a bet, the first one to say anything about that night has to pay the other a drink

Y/n: ok, you're on

We ate in silence and watched the waves which looked so good to surf

Y/n: do you surf?

Rafe: I used to

Y/n: why did you stop?

Rafe: I don't know

Y/n: Can I use the surfboard?

Rafe: yeah sure go ahead

I strip my clothes until I'm left in my bra and underwear, I grabbed the surfboard and ran to the water. I felt so free


After a long surf I got out the water and saw Rafe watching me

Rafe: where did you learn to surf like that, you're really good

Y/n: I kinda just teached myself

Rafe hands me a towel and I dry myself, putting my clothes back on

Rafe: do you want ice cream?

Y/n: I never say no to food

Rafe grabbed Chocolate while I got mint chocolate chip

Rafe: can I try some of yours

Y/n: no

Rafe: come on just one lick

Y/n: ok

Rafe is inching closer to my ice cream and I push the ice cream in his face. I start laughing because his face is with ice cream

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now