Chapter 30 - 🌶️

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Kie: oh shit! They found the truck.

Pope: chill, chill, chill, chill.

Y/n: wait what happend?

Kie: Pope crashed my dad's truck that I stole

Y/n: ow.

JJ: of course.

John B: all right, just relax. Just relax.

Shoupe: well, look who's here.

John B: good evening, officer. Sheriff. Yeah.

Shoupe: Sheriff. Yeah, that's right.

John B: speed kills, huh?

Shoupe: I pulled the tags, and I know whose truck that is. Hey! Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?

Kie: found it.

Shoupe: oh.

Pope: sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault. She had nothing to do with this. I take 100% responsibility.

Shoupe: nothing to do with it? Uh-huh. You wanna try that again? Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home. Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident.

Kie: okay.

Shoupe: good. Plumb. 

Plumb opens the door so Kiara can get out.

Shoupe: Y/n, your dad called, he wants you home. In your condition I would do the same.

Y/n: no thank you, I'd rather help a friend out. 

Shoupe gives me the look

Y/n: ugh fine, bye guys.

Everyone says goodbye. 

Y/n: hey, Shoupe. Can you give me a ride to the church, my cars still there. 

Shoupe: sure.

After I'm in my car, I drive home because Shoupe's following me. I call Sarah and she answers

Sarah: hey, you good?

Y/n: yeah, where are you guys?

Sarah: at my house, Rafe's here. 

Y/n: don't do anything, I can distract him. Please, I'm almost there.

Sarah: okay. 

I end the call and arrive a minute later. 

Y/n: hey, what's the status

John B: he just went inside. 

Y/n: good, I'll distract him, you guys do whatever the hell you have planned. 

I walk inside and head into his room.

Y/n: Rafe?

Rafe: hey, what are you doing here? I told you I would come to you.

Y/n: I know but I missed you

Rafe: I need to shower

Y/n: can I join?

Rafe: you want to join?

Y/n: yes

We head into the bathroom and strip our clothes as fast as possible. 

Rafe gets in the shower and holds his hand out, helping me get in with him. Rafe wraps his arms around my middle so I was pressed tightly against him as we kiss. 

Rafe moves one of his hands down to grab my ass, he loved to. He lets go and presses me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his hips and he plunges his dick deep inside of me. 

I hold onto his shoulders so I don't fall and he holds me onto my waist. He picks up the pace and one of his hands gently rubs at my clit so I can orgasm sooner.

Y/n: Rafe, I-

I interupt myself with a moan, Rafe kisses me to quiet me down. Rafe cums right after I start orgasming. I had clenched down on him as I did causing more pleasure for him. After we both finished up he exits me and sets me down gently. 

He helps me shampoo my hair and I help him. After I get out of the shower, dry off and get changed. 

I leave the bathroom, Rafe still busy doing his hair. I see Sarah

Sarah: you scared me. That was gross.

Y/n: sorry

She grabs the keys

Sarah: thank you.

Y/n: go!

She leaves just on time, a few seconds later Rafe comes out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his middle.

Y/n: hi

Rafe: get some sleep, I need to take care of something first. 

Y/n: please stop excluding me in everything just because I'm pregnant.

Rafe: trust me this is not for your eyes.

Y/n: who's body are you taking care of now?

Rafe: Renfield's. But I didn't do shit.

Y/n: you want me to believe you?

Rafe: Limbrey shot him. I didn't do shit. I love you, please believe me.

Y/n: then I'm going with you.

Rafe: what! No!

Y/n: yes Rafe. Eather I'm going with you or you won't go at all.

Rafe: fine.

Rafe got dressed but I still haven't heard the truck, so something's wrong. 

Rafe: Have you seen my keys?

Y/n: nope

Rafe went downstairs to look 

Rafe: found them! Let's go!

I went downstairs and got in the truck. No sign of Sarah, this was bad.


A/n: I like it. Do you?

word count: 695

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