Chapter 40

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It all went down last night. John B showed up and he and Sarah talked and she told him the truth about Topper. 

I saw Sarah downing a glass of wine so I approached her

Y/n: hey, what's going on? You good?

Sarah: John B and I broke up. I told him about Topper. 

Y/n: come here. 

I opened my arms and we hugged for a long time

Y/n: it's gonna be okay, you two will work it out. 

Sarah: you think?

Y/n: yeah, of course. 

Sarah: thank you.

Y/n: no problem, but hey, I'm sorry to ruin this but I really need to use the toilet. 

Sarah laughed a little

Sarah: it's okay. I'll be okay.

I walked to the bathroom and when I returned, it was hell. One minute Sarah and Topper were hugging the next, John B was fighting Topper. 

Y/n: John B! Stop!

Thank god for JJ to come to the rescue and get John B off Topper. Topper looked bad. 

After that I went home.


Rafe: good morning, how are you feeling?

Y/n: morning. I'm feeling a bit tired, to be honest. Last night was intense.

Rafe: yeah, I hear about the fight. Are you okay?

Y/n: yeah, I'm fine. It was just... unexpected but also not. 

Rafe: hey, why don't you sit down and I'll make you some breakfast? You could use some rest.

Y/n: that sounds lovely. Thanks.

Rafe: Let's get some food in you. French toast alright?

Y/n: perfect.

Rafe leans in to press a kiss to my forehead before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 

I sink into the cushions of the couch, feeling a mix of exhaustion and relief was over me. As the aroma of French toast fills the air, I can't help but smile. Rafe always knows how to make everything feel better, even on the toughest of days.

When he returns with a plate piled high with golden-brown French toast and a flass of freshly sqeeuzed orange juice, my heart swells with gratitude.

Rafe: breakfast is served, my dear. I hope you like it;

Y/n: it looks and smells amazing.

I take a bite of the French toast, the warm, buttery goodness melts in my mouth, and a moan escapes my lips. Rafe chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he watches my reaction.

Rafe: that good, huh?

I nod, unable to form words. The sweetness of the maple syrup pairs perfectly with the slight crispness of the toast, creating a symphony of flavors that leaves me craving more.

It's moments like these, simple and intimate, that remind me of the love and warmth that Rafe brings into my life.

As we finish breakfast, Rafe puts on a movie, so I prop myself up with pillows, While Rafe sits beside me. I stretch out my legs and casually place my feet in Rafe's lap, enjoying the warmth of his touch against my skin.

Rafe glances down at my feet with a soft chuckle. His hands instinctively begin to massage my feet, and I let out a contented sigh, feeling the tension melting away under his skilled touch.

Rafe suddenly blacks out.

Y/n: hey, Rafe? You okay?

Rafe: what? Yeah. 

Y/n: you stopped massaging my feet.

Rafe: I'm sorry.

He stands up and lays my feet back on the couch.

Y/n: where are you going? 

Rafe: I'll be back.

Y/n: Rafe! 

Rafe: what?

Y/n: a kiss, please.

Without hesitation, Rafe crosses the room and leans down to press his lips against mine, the kiss soft and reassuring. For a moment, the world falls away, and I feel the warmth of his love enveloping me.

As he pulls away, I can see the disruption still lingering in his eyes, but there's also a flicker of determination, as if he's resolved to confront whatever is plaguing him.

Rafe: sorry, baby.

Something is terribly wrong. 


A/n: I'm so so so sorry for not posting anything. I'll make it up to you guys in a few weeks because then I have vacation and then I have all day to write. Hope you liked this short chapter. BYE! Stay safe, I love you x

word count: 658

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