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11 years later...


Y/n: You can't skip school again, so from now on you're going to be working in the bakery.

Maeve: great...


The bakery hummed with the morning rush as I deftly worked behind the counter, pulling warm loaves of bread from the oven and arranging them in neat rows. Flour dusted my apron, and the smell of freshly baked pastries mingled with the rich aroma of coffee brewing in the corner.

The familiar chime of the bell announced a new arrival. I glanced up, ready to greet the next customer, but my smile faltered as I saw who it was- Finn O'Connor. Tall and effortlessly cool, Finn had been a thorn in my side since primary school. He had a knack for getting under my skin with his smirks and his casual arrogance. Finn strolled up to the counter with that annoying grin firmly in place. 

Finn: Morning, Maeve

Maeve: Morning. What can I get for you today?

Finn leaned against the counter casually, crossing his arms. 

Finn: let's see.

His eyes scanning the display case. 

Finn: Give me a dozen assorted pastries, a loaf of your best sourdough, and a box of those cookies everyone's been raving about.

I clenched my jaw slightly, suppressing a sigh. Finn's order was typical- large and undoubtedly for some gathering or another.

Maeve: sure.

Turning to gather his items. I moved with practiced efficiency, choosing pastries with a bit more force than necessary.

Maeve: busy day ahead?

I asked, unable to resist a hint of sarcasm in my tone as I packed his order. Finn chuckled lightly, seemingly unfazed by my demeanor.

Finn: you could say that.

I finished boxing up his order and slid it across the counter with a forced smile.

Maeve: that'll be $47,50

Finn reached into his pocket and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill, handling it over with a casual flick of his wrist.

Finn: keep the change

His gaze lingering on mine a moment longer than necessary.

Maeve: thanks.

I turned away to assist the next customer waiting patiently behind him. As Finn gathered his purchase and headed towards the door. And before leaving as always he winked at me. Finn O'Connor would not ruin my day. Not today, and certainly not in my parents' bakery- the one place where I felt truly at peace.


A/n: Want more?

Word count: 373

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