Chapter 60

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3 years later...

Y/n: Maeve! Come here, please.

Maeve: No!

Y/n: sweetie, come on.

Maeve: No!

Y/n: okay, fine then. Mommy and Daddy are going to leave without you. Bye

I turn around and start walking really slow out of our garden. It's Isabelle's birthday and we have a plane to catch but she was being stubborn. Maeve loves playing in the garden, especially with the frogs. She loves them. I see little me so much in her.

Maeve: Noooo!! Mommy!!! Wait!

And there it was, the unmistakable sound of little feet running as fast as they could. Maeve had turned 5 a few months ago. I couldn't help but smile as I turned around.

Y/n: There you are, my little frog catcher! We thought we might have to leave you here with the frogs forever.

Maeve pouted, her eyes wide with worry and determination.

Maeve: no, Mommy! I want to come with you and Daddy.

I crouched down, opening my arms wide, and Maeve rushed into them, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck tightly.

Y/n: of course you can come with us, sweetheart. But we need to hurry if we want to catch the plane. Isabelle is waiting for us.

Maeve's face lit up at the thought of Isabelle. She loved that her and couldn't wait to give her the special gift she had picked out for her 7th birthday.

Maeve: let's go, Mommy! I'm ready!

Hand in hand, we hurried out of the garden and towards the car where Rafe was waiting with a smile. 

Y/n: Is Kingston already in his car seat?

Rafe: yes.

Kingston is our 1 year old son, he's the sweetest little boy and looks so much like Rafe. It's adorable.

Y/n: did you bring Maeve's gift and our gifts for Isabelle?

Rafe: yep, got everything except for my wife.

Y/n: well then grab her.

I grinned, his arms reached out to envelop me in a warm embrace, I leaned into him.

Rafe: got her.

 I chuckled softly. Rafe leaned in, and our lips met in a brief but tender kiss. 

Maeve: let's go, I don't want to be late!

Rafe and I started laughing.

Y/n: bossy much.

Rafe: she got that from you.

I rolled my eyes playfully at his comment, knowing he was right.


Joanna: hey, how are you all doing? 

Y/n: We're good thanks.

Maeve run away with her gift for Isabelle the second we arrived. 

Dad: he's grown so much.

Referring to Kingston who was strapped to my chest.

Y/n: Today, you are not stealing my son. It's your daughters day so please spoil her and not you only grandson.

Rafe: she's right.

Dad squinted at us, his eyes narrowing as he noticed something.

Dad: wait, are you pregnant again? Is that a bump I see? Do you two ever sit still?

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