Chapter 18 - 🌶️

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We're sitting at the police station

Ward: it was her. That was her, right? That was Sarah.

Rafe: it was her. Yeah.

Ward: she's alive. I don't know what the hell you were doing, though, shooting a gun right at her. I thought Y/n had the gun

Y/n: I gave it to him

Ward: she's lucky you didn't hit her; Can't be shootin' a gun-

Rafe: I did.

Ward: what?

Rafe: I hit her.

Ward: you shot Sarah?

Rafe: I was trying to shoot John B, okay? It was an accident. She stepped in the way.

Ward: is she okay?

Rafe: I did not mean to shoot her.

Ward: okay. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry

Rafe: but I don't care that I did

I look at him concerned, damn is he okay?

Ward: what did you say? Rafe, that is your sister, okay?

Rafe: my sister?

Ward: yes, your sister.

Rafe: the one who stole from us? The one who had her boyfriend pointing a gun at us, right? Get the blinder off, dad.

Ward: you need to shut your mouth. 

Rafe: she's gonna kill our family, you realize that?

Thank godness a officer walks in and saves the day

Officer: sorry for the wait. We got a photo from a tourist. Can you verify?

He shows us a picture with Sarah bleeding and keeping her hand on the wound and John B.

Officer: is this them?

Ward: that's my Sarah. She was kidnapped, and she was brainwashed by this-

Y/n: she wasn't kidnapped or brainwashed

Ward: she doesn't know what she's talking about. He's a very disturbed individual. He's very, very dangerous, and you can see she's hurt.

Y/n: he's not dangerous

Ward: again don't listen to her. Can you please find them for me?

Officer: we got the plates on the truck. We got photos. We'll get'em and your stolen property.

Rafe: we'll get'em

Y/n: may I ask where the toilet is? I really need to pee

Ward: again?  You just went 30 minutes ago

Y/n: I got a small bladder


It's dark and late

I sit next to Rafe while Ward is talking to some cops

Y/n: hey, what's up?

Rafe: What if I'm not okay?

Y/n: what?

Rafe: I'm not okay. I thought I was okay, but I'm not.

He puts his head in his hands and starts to cry? Ow fuck what do I do?

Y/n: Rafe look at me. Look at me. 

He stands up and starts pacing

Rafe: I just keep... I keep having these, um... these thoughts in my head, and I don't... I don't know if I can control them. And I'm just... I'm afraid of what gonna happen. I don't know how much more of this shit I can take, okay? I need help, okay?

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now