Chapter 10

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I am grounded for a week! Because I had sex with my boyfriend like excuse me I have needs that need to be taken care off.

My dad and I had a really long talk last night about my mom and all which was a relief getting it all of my chest.

My dad was at work and me and James were home alone. Suddenly the doorbell rang so I opened it and there stood a beautiful woman with a tiny baby in a stroller.

Y/n: Uhm hello?

Woman: hi, I'm Joanna and this tiny creature here is Isabelle.

Y/n: I'm Y/n, sorry what are you doing here?

Joanna: I'm looking for a man named Frank

Y/n: that's my dad, he's at work right now but I could give him a message or you could wait untill he comes back

Joanna: I would like to wait if that's okay

Y/n: sure come in

Joanna walks in with Isabelle.

Y/n: would you like to drink something?

Joanna: water would be great, thanks

I gave her a glass of water when James walked to me with his ipad

James: can we please make this?

He showed me a photo of cookies

Y/n: let me see if we have the ingredients

I walked back to the kitchen and checked the ingredients

Y/n: we have all the ingredients.

James: yeey!

Joanna walked in the kitchen

Y/n: this is James, my little brother

James: hello

Joanna: hi

Y/n: want to join us, we're making cookies. I would love some help, I have no idea how to make them

Joanna: If you don't mind, I would love to. I love cookies

James: me too!

We were busy making cookies and having fun. James was eating everything but it was okay. I love seeing him happy. Suddenly we heard crying and Joanna almost broke down

Y/n: I'll take her, it's okay.

I got in the living room after washing my hands and grabbed Isabelle. I walked around the house and she slowly stopped crying.

The doorbell rang and I opened it and saw Rafe, his face didn't look so good and when he saw Isabelle he was horified

Y/n: relax she's not mine, what happened?

Rafe: my dad

Y/n: oh Rafe

I give him a kiss and walk in the kitchen knowing he will follow

Y/n: Rafe, this is Joanna and this beautiful little girl here is Isabelle. Joanna this is Rafe, my boyfriend

Joanna: hi nice to meet you

Rafe: hello

Y/n: you should really clean those wounds

Rafe: my dad kicked me out

Y/n: oh Rafe, why?

He looked at Joanna and then back at me

I put Isabelle back in her stroller, she was sleeping peacefully and went upstairs with Rafe.

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now