Chapter 42

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Y/n POV:

Rafe: wan't to see the pogues? I need to see Barry.

Y/n: Rafe...

Rafe: relax, not for drugs. I promise, I'm clean. 

Y/n: of course, I want to see them. It's been to long

Rafe drops me off, the sun has set and I walk to the backyard because I hear voice coming from there. 

I stop in my tracks as I see them hug. 

JJ: Y/n?

Y/n: hey.

He runs to me and hugs me

Y/n: we having a good cry?

JJ: you have missed a lot

Y/n: been a little busy

Sarah: busy, yeah, yeah.

JJ slings an arm over my shoulder and leads me to the rest of the pogues and we all hug

It's like I never left.

We head inside, John B and Sarah go their own way to talk, leaving me, JJ, Kiara, Pope and Cleo to catch up.

Pope: how are you feeling?

Y/n: like a balloon that's about to pop

Kiara: how far along are you?

Y/n: almost 9 months. 

Kiara: wait so around christmas?

Y/n: yes.

Cleo: you excited?

Y/n: I am but I'm scared

JJ: fire!

Kiara: the house is on fire!

Y/n: oh shit!

John B: get away from the door!

We all got out, I wanted to go home so I called Rafe

Rafe: hey, baby. What's up?

Y/n: there's a fire, I'm okay but I want to go home. Please pick me up?

Rafe: I'm on my way, stay calm. I'll be there in 5.

Y/n: thank you.

Rafe: I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

And as promised Rafe arrived after 5 minutes

He basically ran towards me and inspected every inch of my body

Y/n: Rafe I'm okay. Everything's fine well except for the chateau

Rafe: let's go home.

I waved goodbye to the pogues and got back to Tannyhill.

Y/n: Rafe, I'm tired.

Rafe: I know, love. Let's get you seated on the couch. Are you feeling okay?

Y/n: physically, I think so. Mentally, not so much. That house was also my childhood.

Rafe: I understand.

Y/n: I just wish I could do more. I hate feeling so helpless.

Rafe: you're doing plenty, Y/n. You're carrying our child, and that's no small feat.

Y/n: I just feel like I'm not doing enough.

Rafe: hye, you're doing everything you can. And right now, that's all that matters.

Y/n: can we just go to bed? I don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer.

Rafe: of course, let me help you up.

Y/n: I love you Rafe.

Rafe: I love you too, Y/n. Let's get you settled in bed.


A/n: I love vacation, I can write a lot. Also I forgot if the Pogues knew Y/n was pregnant, well I knew Sarah and Kiara do but the rest I don't know. So let's pretend they do. I'm going to clean my room now, maybe I'll post another chapter later on. BYE

word count: 443

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now