Chapter 50

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A/n: Before I start thank you so much for all your support, I love you! And I can't believe we're already at chapter 50!!! OMG. Thank you , thank you, thank you. Okay enjoy reading! 


Maeve is now 2 weeks old, I can't believe it. Time flies. She doesn't cry that much as before, which is a relief, everything is coming together.

Rafe and I have bought the house we talked about a month ago. But we still needed to break the news to my dad and Joanna, that we were leaving. We were going over for lunch and we decided to break the news then and there. 

We sat down at the table, Rafe and I exchanged nervous glances, our hands intertwined as we prepared to share our news with my dad and Joanna.

Taking a deep breath, I cleared my throat, my voice betraying the nerves that churned within me. 

Y/n: Dad, Joanna. There's something important we want to discuss with you.

Rafe: we've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about our future and where we see ourselves.

I nodded in agreement, my heart pounding in my chest as I braces myself for their reaction.

Rafe: And we've made a decision. We've bought a house.

The words hung in the air for a moment. Joanna's eyes widened with excitement, a smile spreading across her face.

Joanna: oh, that's wonderful news! Congratulations!

But my dad's reaction was more subdued. His brow furrowed slightly, and a hint of sadness clouded his eyes.

Dad: a house, huh? That's a big step. 

How is that any different from what we do know, living in the house next door?

Rafe: yes, it is. And... it's in Miami

The room fell silent as my dad processed this information. I held my breath, waiting for his respons, knowing that the distance would be a concern for hi.

Finally, he let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly

Dad: Miama, that's quit a distance away

I reached out to him, laying a hand on his arm.

Y/n: I know, dad. And I understand if it's difficult for you. But we want you to know that we'll always make an effort to stay connected, no matter the miles between us. You can see your granddaughter as much as you want.

My dad managed a small smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes

Dad: I appreciate that, froggie. It's just... hard to imagine you being so far away, again.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to find the right words.

As Maeve's cries pierced the tense atmosphere, I felt a rush of relief wash over me. It was her feeding time, a perfect excuse for me to slip away and gather my composure in private. With a murmured apology, I excused myself from the table, cradling Maeve close to my chest as I made my escape.

Once safely in the bathroom, I sank onto the edge of the bathtub, tears streaming down my cheeks in silent anguish. Guild gnawed at my insides, a heavy burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment.

As I nursed Maeve, the weight of my emotions threatened to overwhelm me. But admidst the turmoil of guilt and sorrow, I found solace in the warmth of Maeve's tiny form pressed against me. Her soft coos and gently suckling provided a fleeting distraction from the storm raging within me, a reminder of the precious bond we shared.

I closed my eyes, allowing the rhythmic motion of Maeve's feeding to lull me into a momentary sense of calm. Her tiny hands reached out to grasp at my finger with a gentle strength that belied her small size. I couldn't help but smile through my tears, marveling at the innocence and purity of her love.

The soft knock on the bathroom door startled me, jolting me out of my thoughts. With a quick swipe at tear-stained cheeks, I composed myself as best I could before calling out, 

Y/n: come in.

The door creaked open, and Rafe stepped inside, his expression a mix of concern and tenderness. Without a word, he crossed the small space and knelt beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

Rafe: I thought you might need some company

I buried my face in his chest

Y/n: I just feel so guilty, I didn't mean to upset my dad. I just.. I didn't think.

Rafe's arms tightened around me

Rafe: hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together. And your dad will understand. He loves you, you know.

I nodded.

Rafe: let's get back, shall we?

Y/n: yeah

We head back and see my dad getting a lecture by Joanna, it was quite funny.

Joanna: you know, you shouldn't make Y/n feel guilty about moving to Miama, you should be happy for them! It's a new adventure.

Dad: I know, I know. I'm just going to miss having her and Maeve next door, damn I'm even going to miss Rafe.

I smiled and let out a little laugh

Rafe: I take offense to that

We all laugh, Rafe grabs Maeve from me. Because he knows I want to hug my father.

Dad: I'll visit as much as I can and remember you'll always have a home here.

Y/n: I know, I love you dad.

Dad: I love you too, froggie.


A/n: My ideas are coming to an end but I'll figure something out, don't worry, this story will not have an end, except if you want one. 

What is your concert line up? Mine: Tate McRae, Rammstein and ACDC (the last two are for my dad) But I'm saving up for more but I'm also going to a festival and a convention.

word count: 915

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now