Chapter 20

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Y/n: let's just get over with this sad shit and let's get this party started. Look it happened, we can't change anything about it. I'm happy where I am now.

JJ: fuck yeah!


So here we are dancing,  singing, laughing and having fun

Y/n: Am I crazy or is there something going on between-

Sarah: Kiara and Pope? 

Y/n: yeah

Sarah: you're not crazy

Y/n: wow

Sarah: my brother is a murderer

Y/n: he did it because of your father, you know he feels bad right?

Sarah: please be careful

Y/n: I will, thank you for not getting angry

Sarah: you deserve to be happy 

John B: a beer for my lady and for my other lady

Sarah: thank you

Y/n: No thanks

John B: you sure?

Y/n: yep

John B: more for me, I'll let my ladies gossip some more

Sarah: never thought I'd saw the day where Y/n Y/l/n turns down a beer

Y/n: yeah about that

Sarah: omg! 

Y/n: sshhh!

Sarah: are you pregnant?

Y/n: yes

Sarah: omg, how far along are you? 

Y/n: 3 months, I found out not so long ago

I know Sarah's gonna yell again so I put my hand over her mouth and yes she yells again luckily it's muffeled because of my hand. I remove my hand

Sarah: sorry

Y/n: please don't tell anyone else yet.

Sarah: I promise but will you please let me know if it's a boy or a girl because I want to start shopping

Y/n: I don't know the gender yet and I don't know if I want to know

Sarah: I know you want to know. Does my brother know?

Y/n: yes, he's in for it. He doesn't let me lift a finger. 

Sarah: wow

We talk some more and watch JJ and Pope wrestle, Pope wins

Pope: I'm outta here!

JJ: did you have too many beers? You want a round two?

Pope: yeah, I think I'll take my losses.

Kiara follows him

Sarah: really?

JJ: oh yeah, way to be discreet!

John B: I leave and this is what happens

JJ: are you blaming me?

John B: just a little bit. Uh-oh. Your boy's out. Beer time.

JJ: you guys are the one that died, okay? That was... 

Sarah: literally one job, JJ

JJ: okay

Sarah: no pogue-on-pogue macking!

Y/n: what about you and JB?

Sarah: I'm not a pogue

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