Chapter 57 - 🌶️

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Rafe: They're going to be okay.

Y/n: if there is anything call me please. Oh and-

Dad: Stop stressing, I raised you, James and Isabelle. Joanna and I are going to be just fine. Go and relax for god's sake it's your honeymoon. It's only for 2 weeks.

Y/n: I'm sorry, this is the longest I've ever left her.

Rafe: The pilot is waiting.

I kiss our daughter goodbye and hug my dad.

Y/n: thank you for doing this.

Dad: oh please, I love it. Now go have fun, but not to much fun.

Rafe kisses Maeve goodbye. As we leave towards the waiting pilot in my dad's private jet.


Y/n: so when are you going to tell me where we're going?

Rafe: I promise, you won't be dissapointed.

Y/n: you're killing me, I want to know.

Rafe: Greece

Y/n: You're kidding, right? 

Rafe: nope.

Y/n: we're going to Greece?!

Rafe: yep

Y/n: oh my godd!! I love you!

I sit on his lap and kiss him

Rafe: I should have taken sooner if I knew I got this kind off reaction.

Y/n: Oh shut up and kiss me.

He placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. My hands travelled to his face and hair and started passionately kissing him. His tongue taking control of mine.

He began kissing and sucking on my neck, making me let out soft moans and I started moving my hips back and forth. I pulled his shirt off and placed my hands on his abs and went back to kissing him. My hands went down to his belt, I took his pants and boxers off. I was wearing a skirt so I just took his dick in my hands, giving it a few pumps before sliding it into me. I let out a moan as my hips speed up.

Rafe: ssh, the pilot can hear us.

Y/n: Oh, fuck. I don't care. Mmhm...

Rafe sped up my hips as I bounced on his hard dick. 

Y/n: ah fuck, I'm close. 

Rafe: come for me.

I became a moaning mess before I released onto him. He let out a deep groan before filling me up with his cum.

Y/n: fuck.

Rafe: another round? 

Y/n: yes please

Rafe: all fours

Y/n: bossy much

But I obey, so I get off his lap. Rafe stands up and I get on my hands and knees

He thrusts inside of me without a warning. He goes faster and faster as I try to catch my breath. His grunts and my moans filling up the silence that was in the jet. My orgasm started getting closer. I whimpered as his tip brushed my G-spot.

Rafe: you gonna cum again?

I nodded as he started fucking me faster, he twitched inside me and his warm liquid filled me up again. He thrusted one more time before I shattered.

Y/n: fuck.

Rafe pulled out before cleaning me up with a towel that was laying nearby.


We finally landed in Greece, and oh my fucking god, it was beautiful. Stepping off the plane, I was hit with a wave of warm air carrying the scent of sea salt and olive trees. The landscape stretched out before us, a stunning mosaic of rolling hills, ancient ruins, and shimmering coastline.

Rafe stood beside me, a grin spreading across his face as he watched my reaction. He had planned this trip down to the last detail, wanting to make our honeymoon unforgettable. And standing here, surroundin by such breathtaking beauty, I knew he had succeeded beyong my wildest dreams.


A/n: sorry to dissapoint but there are 3 more chapters left. I don't know how to continue and I think it's a good time to make an end to this story and let me tell you this was an amazing experience to write. 

word count: 605

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now