Chapter 33

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Rafe's POV

I send out a quick text to Y/n, saying I arrived and that I love her. As I walk inside the big ass mansion guarded by a lot of men and dogs. I changed into a suit.

I saw the liquor and decided to pour myself a glass. When I suddenly heard a familiar voice, but I couldn't place it.

? : uh, excuse me?

I turned around and got met with Kiara

Kiara: no, I knew you and Ward were behind this shit.

Rafe: what are you talking about? You trying to weasel in on my deal? Is that what's going on?

Suddenly another voice spoke, interupting us

Man: I wondered if your little reuonion would cause sparks, you know.

Rafe: who are you?

Man: me, My name is Carlos Singh. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cameron. Too bad you're girlfriend couldn't make it. Y/n, was it right? She's pregnant, right?

My blood was boiling at the mention of Y/n. As I stood up

Singh: relax, if you behave I won't do anything but if you don't you might never see her again. 

I sat back down and listened to the man's bullshit. I wanted to go back, to Y/n and my little baby princess. I wanted to protect her. I miss her.

Y/n's POV

Something is wrong, I feel it. He hasn't called back, all my calls go unanswered. 

I keep walking around the house, annoying Rose

Rose: can you stop it, please.

Y/n: something's wrong

Rose: he's okay. It's Rafe.

Y/n: I should call him again

Rose: Y/n, calm down. Everything's fine, he will call. Sit down and relax, think of the baby.

I sit down and lay my hands on my stomach.

Y/n: what am I supposed to do? Nothing? 

Rose: exactly, read a book or something.

Y/n: I didn't bring any books.

Rose: Rafe brought some for you, it's in your room

Y/n: okay, thank you.

I walk to mine and Rafe's room and look on the shelves. There I find a book about the first pregnancy with all sort off tips and name ideas. That's cute off him to think about bringing books for me. 

I sit down on the bed and start reading. It was really comforting. I fell asleep eventually.


Rafe's POV

A lot of shit had happend but after everything I just wanted to see her. And when I finally got back, I found her sleeping peacefully with a book I brought for her.  I took of my shirt and pants and got into bed with her.

Y/n: hi, you're back.

Rafe: ssh, sleep. I'll explain everything later but you and I both need some rest.


A/n: I'm so so sorry for not posting in a while, I've been so busy. And I'm so sorry for this short chapter. Hope you're enjoying it.

word count: 448

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