Chapter 22 - 🌶️

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Y/n's POV

Topper hit the man, where the hell did he come from? The man hit the floor and Rafe hit him a few more times before running to me and checking my whole body for wounds. 

Y/n: Rafe, I'm okay. He didn't do anything to me. Who even is he?

Rafe: let's find out

Rafe removed the man's mask, it was...

Y/n: omg. Rafe.

Rafe: your dead Bryan!

Y/n: let's go Rafe

Sarah: you guys know  him?

Y/n: he's the guy that ra- raped me

Sarah: He?

Bryan: you broke my nose mate

Rafe: you deserve worse

Topper: guys we should go

We heard police sirens 

Y/n: let's go!

Rafe: i can't go home

Y/n: stay at mines, but we really gotta go

Sarah and Topper where off to god knows where and me and Rafe got into my car driving to my house. 


We arrived at my house and I slowly opened the door seeing Joanna in the kitchen.

Y/n: shit, go upstairs

Joanna: Y/n?

Y/n: hi, why are you still up?

Joanna: just wanted to call my sister and tell her the big news

Y/n: big news?

Joanna: your dad proposed

Y/n: please tell me you said yes

Joanna: yeah

Y/n: thank god

Joanna: hey thank you for taking Isabelle for a while, I really needed that nap

Y/n: your welcome. I'm really happy for you two. I'm going upstairs now, night.

Joanna: good night.

I went upstairs in my room and didn't see Rafe but I heard my shower running so I opened the bathroom door and saw Rafe under the shower so I got undressed and also got in 

Y/n: hi 

He turns around and meets my eyes

Rafe: hey

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pinned me against the wall and kissed my lips, the kiss was full of lust and passion. He harshly grabbed my ass and lifted one leg up. I moaned into the kiss, I was dripping at this point.

He took his fingers and reached his way down to my clit, feeling my wetness. He groaned slighlty and kissed my neck like it was my lips. He kissed my chest going down until he reached my pussy, I looked down at him

Y/n: stop teasing

He got onto his knees and lifted both of my legs and put them on his shoulders. He went deeping flapping his tongue against me. I grabbed his wet hair and pulled at it. It was all too much, the hot water, Rafe's tongue, his groans. Fuck. He started drilling his tongue in and out going faster.

Rafe: fuck you taste so good

He moaned sending vibrations to my whole body as I started shaking slightly trying to hold onto something.

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now