Chapter 23 - 🌶️

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Spencer: hey babe what was so urgent?

Y/n: we need to get of this island like now

Spencer: oh so this is mr. hottie. You've talked about

Rafe: you talked about me?

Spencer: she didn't stop

Y/n: we've got to go

We get into the plane

Rafe: is it safe to fly while you're pregnant?

Spencer: hold up. You're pregnant?

Y/n: yeah

Spencer: congrats girl!

Y/n: thank you and also thank you for doing this

Spencer: no problem. Where to?

Y/n: do you mind flying to Paris? My dad has an appartement there, cops will never find us there.

Spencer: cops?

Y/n: long story, can you or not? I've got some other options too

Spencer: are the other options not in Europe? Because Paris is like a 7 hour flight from here.

Y/n: Seattle? My dad has a house over there

Spencer: that will do. Captain? To Seattle please!

Captain: alright buckle up!

Spencer: now tell me why am I flying y'all away from the cops?

Rafe: because I killed a cop

Spencer: you did what!

Rafe: she didn't deserve it. But I was protecting my father

Spencer: well damn


We arrived and there was a car waiting for us, thanks to Spencer, to take us to my father's house.

Y/n: I'm exhausted

Rafe: me too

I went through my father's documents to see where he had houses and apartements. So I got the adresses from all of them. I didn't realize my dad was this rich. 

We arrived at the house and I punched in the code that I also found, got the key and we went inside. It was a beautiful house

 It was a beautiful house

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Rafe: nice place

Y/n: yeah it really is

I stared at the backyard with a huge pool when Rafe hugged me from behind

Rafe: what's on your mind?

Y/n: actually nothing. I'm exactly where I want to be right now

Rafe: me too.

Rafe took all my hair and layed it all on one side of my shoulder kissing the soft spot on my neck, making me moan.

I turn around and meet his eyes, he leans in and starts kissing me passionately. He picks me up, without breaking the kiss and carries me to the couch. We shuffled our clothes off.

Rafe: you're so fucking beautiful

He got onto his knees and leaving kisses on my inner thigh all the way to my pussy. He was eating me out

Y/n: fuck me

He got back up and spread my legs open more and started rubbing his dick along my folds. Then he roughly shoved his dick into my pussy. I let out a loud moan as he started thrusting his dick in and out of me, fast and hard. Just as I liked it.

My whole body was full of his dick, I could feel it everywhere. 

Y/n: ah fuck Rafe!

Rafe: cum all over my dick for me baby

Just as he said that and I was about to cum, someone yelled

I also yelled and Rafe quickly got up and was ready to fight who ever yelled at us

It was an old woman, I assume it was the housekeeper, seeing that she was wearing a uniform and holding cleaning supplies

I grabbed Rafe's shirt from the ground and put it on, covering my body. I threw Rafe his boxers

Woman: who the hell are you and what are you doing here?

Y/n: my father owns this house, we were staying here for a few weeks

Woman: who's you're father?

Y/n: Frank Y/l/n, I'm Y/n and this is my boyfriend Rafael

Rafe gave me a side eye

Y/n: you're wanted dumbass, she can't know you're real name

Woman: you're  father's a real sweety. I'm Dorothy, the housekeeper

Y/n: I figured. 

Dorothy: how is your father doing?

Y/n: he's doing great, he's getting married, he proposed last night

Dorothy: to that lovely woman? What was her name again Hossana?

Y/n: Joanna. 

Dorothy: have y'all eaten yet?

Rafe: I did

I started coughing 

Y/n: we haven't no

Dorothy: I'm gonna make you two something but first I'm gonna clean the couch

Y/n: we're so sorry about that

Dorothy: I was once young too and having fun. Just make sure to be safe

Rafe: well that's too late

Dorothy: You're-

Y/n: pregnant yeah

Dorothy: oh congrats.

Y/n: thank you.

Dorothy: how far along are you? How old are you two?

Rafe: I'm 19 almost 20

Y/n: I'm 4 months along and I am 18 years old

Rafe: Wait? When was you're birhtday?

Y/n: a week ago. 

Rafe: you didn't tell me

Y/n: I don't like birthdays. I actually never celebrated one


A/n: short chapter, sorry about that or not howerever you like to see it. Gonna work on the next chapter as fast as I can but exams are coming up and I really need to pass, so I'm really sorry if it takes a long time.

Also quick question: do y'all like it when I use my creativity and add new characters? Or do I need to stick to the plot of Outer Banks? Please be honest, tips and recommendations are always welcome.

I have a problem there's this guy always staring at me in my class, he's really cute but he's bad news. But I really like him and I think/hope he likes me back but I'm too scared. What do I do? I've never had a crush on someone that isn't Drew Starkey or Harry Styles (now without hair) and I actually have a chance with.

word count: 870

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now