Chapter 4

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Cheryl: hello, Frank right? We spoke on the phone in connection with Y/n and James.

Dad: yes, Cheryl was it right?

Cheryl: yes

My dad takes a look at me and James and smiles. Cheryl touches my arm and I flinch

Dad: come in 

Cheryl: thank you

Everyone enters and takes a seat on the couch

Y/n: where's the bathroom?

Dad: right over there

Y/n: thank you

I walk to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, I don't even need to pee I just need to think it's all to much. After a few minutes I throw some water from the sink on my face. I hear a knock on the door

Y/n: just a minute!

Dad: Y/n, I know it's a lot to take in but can you just please give me a chance, I really want to try

I open the door and walk out

Y/n: yeah sure

Dad: look I'm sorry I moved away when you were so young and definitly needed me. But you're mom and I were arguing a lot and it just didn't work anymore and when she got pregnant with James I just freaked out.

Y/n: you don't have to explain it all now. I did need you and I still do but you're here now and I hope I can get to know you better 

Dad: actually I've been looking at some houses here and I would love for you and James to come live with me

Y/n: wow um

Dad: you don't have to choose now or anything but I thought it would be better than living in foster care.

Y/n: no no I would love to and I think James would love it to

Dad: Would you like to look at some houses with me tommorow?

Y/n: I would love to but I need to work tommorow

Dad: it's fine, we'll find another day

Y/n: we'll better get back to that bitch

Dad: language

Y/n: I'm sorry but I just can't stand her.


Me and James slept over at the hotel my dad stayed at and my dad has suggested to babysit James. I went to the wreck 

Anna: Y/n nice of you to show up

Y/n: I'm sorry, I had a lot of trouble with DCS and they found my dad-

Anna: ok, I would love it if you would've let something know. Now get to work

Y/n: I'm sorry, but there's no service 

I put my apron on and began working

After an hour, Rafe walked in with Topper and Kelce

I walked to their table 

Y/n: what could I get y'all?

Kelce: you

Kelce winks

Y/n: that's not on the menu

Rafe: a pepsi for me please

Y/n: ok

Topper: water

Kelce: a beer

Rafe: he means water

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