Chapter 36

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I still can not believe he proposed. It was the most beautiful ring ever. 

Early in the morning Rafe wanted me to go to Barry's so I arrived and got out of my car.

Y/n: good morning, What are we doing? Hey, Barry.

Rafe: good morning, baby.

Barry: hello, Miss Cameron.

Rafe kisses me, it tastes like alcohol, awesome this early in the morning

Rafe: we're melting down the cross, so it's easier to sell.

Y/n: oh okay. 


Later on in the day, Ward called Rafe again, Rafe was stading on the balcony and I was sitting in one of the chairs, listening in on their call while pretending to read. 

Rafe: dad?

Ward: can you hear me?

Rafe: yeah, I can hear you now.

Ward: the cross  is not on the train Rafe. It did not arrive. Somebody stole the cross.

Rafe: oh my god. Wait, who stole it?

Ward: I don't know who stole it, Rafe!

Rafe: that's rough. I mean, it could've been anybody, really, right?

Ward: not really, Rafe. It could be one of a very few people.

Rafe: Well, I mean, you know we were just giving it away anyway, so who cares? Who cares?

Ward: okay, Rafe, okay. That's done for now. I need you to finish the list I gave you. I want you to sign for the East River property. When that's completed, shut down the offices-

Rafe: yeah, no, I - Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.  I'm thinking maybe we should keep the offices.

Ward: what?

Rafe: yeah, I'm thinking, maybe I should stay down here for a while, really grow the company. I think it'd be good for us, right?

Ward: listen to me, Rafe...

Rafe: no. No, no, you listen, okay? You listening? You remember when you told me to make myself useful? Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm making myself useful. I can do shit, you know? Explore options, so for the... for the benefits of all, I think I'm gonna hang out for a while, okay?

Ward: Rafe, listen to me. You are there for one reason and one reason only.  You are to act as my proxy to shut down the companies, okay? That is our one play. It's our only play. And if you cannot do it-

Rafe: if I can't do it? If I can't do it, then what? Then what?  You gonna hop on a plane? Come down here? I mean, it'll be like a goddamn Elvis sighting. Ward Cameron, everyone! Oh my god, he lives! He's back from the dead! I got the family ring now, Pops. Yeah, I'm wearing it, and it's my time to step up, okay? You're dead.

Rafe hangs up and sits back down.

Y/n: that was amazing. You okay?

Rafe: yeah, it felt good. Want to have lunch on the boat?

Y/n: thought you'd never ask, I'm hungry.

Rafe: wear something fancy. Be ready in 15.

Y/n: 15? Do I need to remind you that I'm pregnant atleast give me a little more time.

Rafe: fine make it 30.

Y/n: thank you.

I go into the dressing room and get changed into a dress that I bought not so long ago. 

30 minutes later I was ready and seated into Rafe's car

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30 minutes later I was ready and seated into Rafe's car.

Y/n: so what's on the menu?

Rafe: I'm gonna cook

I started laughing

Rafe: what? I can cook.

Y/n: Yeah, I saw that when we baked the cookies. Let me atleast help.

Rafe: okay fine

Y/n: so what are we cooking?

Rafe: wraps?

Y/n: ooh. yess.


The midday sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the deck of Rafe's boat, we stodd side by side in the cozy kitchen.

Rafe: alright, my dear, let's whip up some magic

Rafe's eyes sparkled with excitement as he gestured toward the array of fresh ingredients spread out on the counter. I chuckled, my hand instinctively resting on my belly as I surveyed the colorful assortement before me.

I took charge, guiding Rafe through the process of assembling the wraps with ease and expertise. As we worked together, our laughter mingledd with the soft hum of the ocean, filling the air with a sense of joy and contentment.

Y/n: she's kicking, want to feel?

Rafe: yes

I grab Rafe's hand and place it on the spot where the baby is kicking

Rafe: looks like our little one is eager to join the culinary adventure.

We continued making the wraps and when we were finished, we retreated to the deck. Where we settled into comfortable chairs overlooking the vast expanse of the sea. 

Rafe: you know, I've been thinking about our future.

Y/n: tell me about it.

Rafe: I can picture it so clearly. Tannyhill filled with laughter and love, with little footsteps echoing through the halls. I see us raising our child together, teaching them about the wonders of the world, sharing in their joys and triumphs.

I reached for his hand, intertwining our fingers

Y/n: I can't wait for that, Rafe. To create a family with you, to build a life together where love is our guiding light.

Rafe: I can't wait to explore the world with you. To see new places, experience different cultures, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

My smile widened

Y/n: me too, Rafe. I want to stand with you on mountaintops, stroll through bustling markets, and watch sunsets in far-off lands. And through it all, I want us to be together, sharing every moment.

Rafe: and you know, no matter what challenges come our way, I believe in us. Our love will be our anchor, guiding us through tough seas and calm waters alike. Together, we can weather any storm.

I squeeze his hand lightly

Y/n: I believe in us too. With you by my side, I know we can overcome anything. Our love will be the light that leads us through the darkest nights.

I felt the weight of our love deepen, anchoring me to Rafe in a way she had never imagined possible.

Rafe: I can't wait to see you as a mother. You are going to be absolutely radiant.

Y/n: and you, my love, will be the most amazing father. Our little one is so lucky to have you.


A/n: a bit of a longer chapter, hope you like it. 

word count: 1021

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