Chapter 19

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We're back in the OBX and I'm lying on my bed reading a book about pregnancy that I bought at the bookstore earlier.

My phone suddenly rings and I pick it up, it's an unkown number

Y/n: hello?

???: hey it's Kelce, can you come and get Rafe at the country club? He's drunk

Y/n: yeah ok, I'm on my way.

I drive to the country club and spot Rafe

Rafe: take a shot with me, pussy. Come on. Take a shot. 

He pours a drink on the man's hand

Man: hey! What the hell are you doing? Take a seat. That's what you need to do.

Kelce: whoa! Whoa!

I walk to Rafe 

Y/n: Thanks for calling. 

Man: get the manager. He's craey.

Rafe: eat shit

Y/n: Rafe calm down. Look at me.

Rafe: what!

He snaps and I flinch, he suddenly realizes it's me and softens

Rafe: I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Y/n: It's okay let's go home.

Kelce: hey uhm. I swear to God, 20 minutes ago, I just saw John B and your sister, bro. They're alive.

Rafe: I'm trying to relax, and you're telling me this bullhit?

Kelce: I know you're trying to relax, bro. but I saw them buying beer at Geechie's.

Rafe: bullshit.

Y/n: OK Kelce thank you for telling us. But we're gonna sober up.

We walk to the exit

Rafe: hey, put it on Cameron!


We stumble into my room and I lay Rafe down on my bed. I was about to leave when he grabs my hand

Rafe: stayyy....

Y/n: I'm gonna make you some food and make a smoothie for you to sober up. 

Rafe: don't leave meeee....

Y/n: Rafe, I'll be back in a minute.

Rafe: okay

I get the trashcan and put it next to the bed

Y/n: puking is in the bin not on my bed

He puts his thumbs up and I get into the kitchen suddenly seeing my dad

Y/n: oh hey, you're home

Dad: yeah, Joanna is coming over with Isabelle. She going to be staying here for a while because her house has been broken into

Y/n: oh no are they okay?

Dad: yes, just a few stuff that's been stolen.

Y/n: Do we have mango, banana, avocado, spinach, ginger, and coconut water?

Dad: do you have a hungover?

Y/n: no, Rafe's upstairs he's drunk

Dad: we have everything accept for coconut water but we do have almond milk or pear juice which is also good when you're hungover

Y/n: a lot of experience I see.

Dad: yeah, those times we're good. But not worth repeating

Y/n: so any tips on what to give him to eat?

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