Chapter 25 - 🌶️

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Y/n: good morning, I've got you some water and some medicine. How are you feeling?

Rafe: like I'm gonna die

Y/n: how much did you drink?

Rafe: I lost count after 7

Y/n: 7, jesus.

Rafe: I'm sorry for storming off and drinking

Y/n: it's okay, I was just worried

Rafe: I won't do it again, cross my heart

I let him sleep some more and leave the room and call my dad back because he's been calling a lot.

Y/n: hey what's up?

Dad: oh thank god, I've been calling forever

Y/n: I'm sorry I was busy. What is so urgent?

Dad: Ward committed to murdering Sheriff Peterkin and Big John.

Y/n: he did what?

Dad: but that's not all, he blew himself up with his boat

Y/n: oh my god! Wait- does that mean Rafe

Dad: is safe to come home yes, the police want to speak to him and you. 

Y/n: how am I even supposed to tell him?

Dad: just be youself and be there for him.

Y/n: I'm coming home dad.

Dad: I love you

Y/n: love you too, bye

Dad: bye

What the hell am I supposed to say to Rafe? Oh hey babe your dad blew himself up but hey guess what we can go back home and act like nothing happened.

Oh god, I can't do this

I start pacing in the living room. 

What the fuck do I do?


Rafe walked in the living room after a few hours. I was cleaning because it was the only way to calm me down. 

Y/n: we need to talk

Rafe: what is going on?

Y/n: can you sit down, please?

He sits down on the couch

Rafe: you're freaking me out, what's wrong?

Y/n: it's your dad. He uhm committed to killing Peterkin. But he uhm- 

Rafe: he what?!

Y/n: he died

Rafe: how?

Y/n: suicide. Blew himself up with his boat. I didn't know how to tell you. That's why my dad called me. Are you okay? Rafe?

He stands up from the couch and starts pacing. 

Rafe: fuck!!

He yells

Y/n: Rafe. Please, calm down. 

Rafe: he died oh my god. He's dead.

I drops down on the floor and starts crying. 

Rafe: he can't be dead. 


After a few hours he was all calmed down and we we're packing to go back home. Well I was packing Rafe was staring at the wall

Y/n: Rafe? Are you ready?

Rafe: yeah.


We arrived back in the OBX and went straight to the Cameron's residence.

Y/n: are you going to be okay on your own?

I was really fucking worried about him

Rafe: yeah

Y/n: I'll come around later.

I kiss him on the lips

Y/n: I love you

He nodded I knew he wasn't going to say it back because I don't know what I should do if my dad died. 

So I went to my house. And as soon as my dad opened the door he hugged me so tight I almost couldn't breathe.

Y/n: Dad I'm okay

Dad: I know

He lets me go and I walk towards the living room. James sees me and runs to me. 

Y/n: well hello to you Chipmunk.

James: I missed you!!

Y/n: I missed you too.

I saw Joanna cooking dinner, Isabelle laying on her new playmat

Y/n: hey, what are you making?

Joanna: grilled salmon with some noodles and beansprouts. Do you also want a plate?

Y/n: I would love a plate.

Joanna: okay, dinner will be ready in a few.


After dinner I got a text from Rafe

Rafe: I need you inside of me now

That turned me on instantly so I quickly put on some sexy lingerie and went to the Cameron's residence.

And as soon as I got into Rafe's room, our lips smashed together. 

Rafe: get on the bed on all fours. 

I undressed myself leaving me in my lingerie and got on my hands and knees on the bed.

Rafe: fuck, you look so beautiful.

He slaps my ass hard, Behind me I hear him undoing his belt. And without a warning he shoves himself into me. I moan and he grunts.

He pushes himself deeper and faster into me. I was trying not to be to loud because Wheezie was sleeping in the room next door. But when Rafe hit a spot I didn't know I had. I moaned his name so loud that I think I woke the whole mansion up. Rafe slapped his hand over my mouth and hit harder at the spot.

Rafe: be quiet.

A few seconds later I came and so did he. He pulled out and laid down on the bed, I laid down next to him. 

Y/n: are you okay?

Rafe: I am now.

Y/n: can we bake cookies together tomorrow?

Rafe: I love cookies

We fell asleep really quick, cuddling each other. Happy


A/n: I am so sorry for not posting in a while, also sorry for the short chapter or do you prefer short chapters?

Happy early christmas! 

word count: 774

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