Chapter 39

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I arrived at Tannyhill, it was full of people. I walked inside the house on the hunt for Rafe.

Y/n: hi.

Rafe: hi

He kisses me and then puts his arm around me guiding me further on the balcony

Rafe: VIP section.

Y/n: ooh, nice.

Rafe: only, very, very special people are allowed here. So you can see the water. Hey, that ain't no Jim Beam bullshit. All right? That's Pappy Van Winkle. That's like a day's salary, bro. If you don't have a drink in your hand, get the hell out of my house. Get off my property.

Y/n: you're crazy.

Rafe: crazy in love with you.

He kisses me again

Barry: yo, this party's sick!

Rafe and I tear apart and we sit down on the couch. Rafe and Barry are talking about random shit, I kind off zoned out.

Rafe: hey, you okay?

Y/n: mhm, what?

Rafe: are you okay?

Y/n: yeah. 

Rafe: what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?

Y/n: nothing. Are you coming with me tonight? 

Rafe: what is tonight?

Y/n: Anna and Mike's anniversary.

Rafe: I can't, I have business tonight.

Y/n: oh, okay.

Rafe: I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Y/n: I'm going to get ready. 

I stand up but Rafe grabs my hand

Rafe: hey, I love you.

Y/n: I love you too.

I give him a quick kiss and go to my room and change into a summer dress. 


I drove to the Wreck where the party took place and immediately spotted Sarah and Kiara so I walked towards them.

Kie: hey, you made it.

Y/n: yeah.

Sarah: you look so good.

Y/n: thanks you too. I love that dress.

Sarah: thank you. There's something I need to tell you guys.

So she tells us about going to meet "Wheezie" but it turns out it was Ward.

Kie: that doesn't even make sense, Sarah. Ward's on the island? Like, the same island as we are ob, Sarah?

Sarah: yes, he's back. Mm-hmm.

Kie: the second I see him, I'm turning him in, I swear. I don't know how you do it. Every time I wanna complain about my dad, I just think about your dad.

Sarah: oh, glad to be of service.

Kie: works every time.

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip.

Sarah: I'm glad I could help.

Kie: It's great.

Sarah: you didn't tell me Topper was gonna be here.

Kie: sorry. My mom invited like the whole island.

Sarah: shit.

Kie: it's not a big deal. 

Y/n: we'll keep him away, or at least try our best.

James: Y/n!!!!

He runs to me and hugs me.

Y/n: hey, little guy. Where's dad or Joanna? 

James: over there.

He points at them and we wave

Y/n: I'm going to go over there and talk. Be back in a sec.

Sarah: take your time.

I walk over to my dad and Joanna, who's holding little Isabelle, while holding James hand.

James: ooh, that's a pretty ring.

Y/n: thank you.

We were just close enough for them to hear. And there gazes immediately went to my left hand. 

My dad suddenly turned around and walked away.

Joanna: congratulations.

Y/n: thank you.

Joanna: don't mind him, I think he's a little bit sad and angry that Rafe didn't ask for his blessing.

Y/n: ohw.

James: can I go play with the other kids?

Joanna: sure sweetie, go on. Have fun and be careful!

She yelled while James was already running towards his friends. My dad returned with a glass of bourbon and pulled me into a hug. 

Dad: you're growing up, froggie. I'm proud of you but I seriously need to have another word with your man now. Is he here?

Y/n: no, he stayed home.

Dad: well then what about lunch tommorow?

Y/n: I'll check in with Rafe but I'll text you if we can come. 

Dad: alright.

Joanna: I'm making my special sandwiches.

Dad: and you can't say no to her sandwiches, trust me.

Y/n: ok.

After a while Mike gave a whole ass speech, it was so romantic. 


A/n: So sorry for not posting in a while, I'm trying my best. But lately I've had some problems with my laptop, Let's hope it gets fixed soon

Hope you're liking it. Stay safe and remember I love you (but not as much as I love Rafe Cameron)

word count: 669

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