Chapter 43

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Joanna: so how are you feeling? 

Y/n: exhausted, like I'm going to explode.

She laughs

Joanna: I get it. 

Y/n: but I'm also stressing out because there's still so much that needs to be done to the nursery.

Joanna: I think your dad would love to help.

Y/n: I know but he has some much going on already, that I don't want to bother him.

Joanna: he wouldn't mind.

Y/n: oh my god, what about this one?

Joanna: it's perfect. 

A worker helped us get her the right size and Joanna was in the dressing room, I was scrolling on my phone. Until she came out and looked amazing.

Y/n: wow. You look stunning.

Joanna: you think so?

Y/n: absolutely. It's like it was made for you.

Joana: Alright, I think this might be the one.

Y/n: definitely. Let's get it.

Joanna: thank you for doing this by the way.

Y/n: No problem. 

Joanna: but seriously thank you, it means a lot to me.

Y/n: Of course, Joanna. I'm happy to help out.

We checked out and got some food.

We found a cozy Italian restaurant nearby and settled into a booth. 

Y/n: I can't believe how quickly everything's coming together.

Joanna: I know, right? It feels like just yesterday. 

Y/n: I'm really happy that you met my father.

Joanna: me too.

We salvage our food and head back home, where we decide to play some boardgames with my dad and James.

James: can we play candy land?

Y/n: absolutely! Let's set it up. 

Dad: Alright, buddy, you go first!

James: yay!


A/n: Really short chapter because I can't post tomorrow, because I'm going to a book event and meet Kathleen Glasgow and some other authors.

word count: 264

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