Chapter 56

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Dad: Can I have everyone's attention, please!

My dad yelled as he clinked his fork against his champagne glass.

Dad: thank you, my daughter made a big speech at my wedding. I think it's only fair if I do one too.

Oh god. 

Dad: Well, would you look at that? My little Froggie is all grown up and getting married! It seems like just yesterday you were running around the backyard catching frogs and giggling uncontrollably. And now, here you are, standing before us in all your bridal glory. I have to admit, seeing you in that beautiful gown, I can't help but feel a little emotional. I may have shed a tear or two while helping you get ready this morning, but don't worry, I blamed it on the onions. Y/n, you have been my little Froggie since the day you were born. Today is a day I've been looking forward to and dreading. While I'm thrilled to see you begin this new chapter with Rafe, a part of me wishes I could turn back the clock, just to keep you close a little while longer. And let's not forget about my little granddaughter over there.

"Rafe, welcome to the family! I hope you're ready for a lifetime of laughter, love, and, of course, occasional embarrassment courtesy of our family antics. Y/n, as you embark on this journey of marriage, remember to always keep the spirit of Froggie alive. Keep chasing your dreams, never lose your sense of wonder, and never forget to embrace your inner child- even if it means getting a little muddy every now and then. And to my granddaughter, remember to always look up to your mommy, even when she's chasing frogs or embarrassing you with her jokes. So here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after. May your marriage be filled with as much joy and adventure as our bakyard frog-catching expeditions. Congratulations, Froggie! I love you more than words can ribbit."

Oh my god! I bursted out laughing while wiping my tears as he walked towards me and hugged me. 

Dad: sorry, couldn't help myself.

Y/n: I love you too.


A/n: I will not be posting for a while because I'm going on a school trip for a few days and after I've got a concert so I'm sorry. I'll make it up to all of you. Also sorry for the short chapter.

word count: 395

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