Chapter 59

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5 months later...

I never thought this day would come, but as I read the sign "Twinkle Treats," I realized my dream had finally come true- I had opened my very own bakery. This wouldn't have been possible without Rafe. 

The smell of freshly baked pastries filled the air, mixing with the scent of brewing coffee. The early morning sun shone through the windows, lighting up the rows of beautifully decorated cakes, cookies, and bread. Each treat was made with love, a small pieve of my heart for everyone to enjoy.

Rafe: you're going to do great, stop stressing.

He set down the last tray off cookies. He had gotten better at cooking thanks to me. It made me proud to see how much he had learned and how supportive he was in every step of this journey.

As the first customer walked in, I felt a flutter of nervous excitement. A friendly-looking woman in her early thirties approached the counter, glancing around with curiosity and a smile.

Y/n: Good morning! Welcome to Twinkle Treats.

Customer: Good morning! Everything looks amazing.

Her eyes were scanning the display.

Y/n: Thank you! Can I help you with anything specific?

Customer: I'd love to try one of those chocolate croissants, please.

Y/n: Coming right up! And since you are our very first customer, this one's on the house. Welcome to Twinkle Treats!

Her eyes widened in surprise. 

Customer: Really? That's so sweet of you! Thank you!

Y/n: It's my pleasure. Enjoy!

I hand her the croissant and as she took her first bite, her face lit up with delight.

Customer: This is fantastic! I'll definitly be back for more.

Y/n: I'm so glad you like it. Have a wonderful day!

A few customers later and a little girl pressed her face against the glass display, her eyes wide with wonder at the assortment of colorful cupcakes. Her mother stood behind her, smiling as she watched her daughter's excitement. 

Girl: Can I have a pink cupcake, please?

Y/n: of course.

I hand her the treat with a big smile and her mother pays.

Y/n: Hope you enjoy it!

Girl: thank you!

The day passed by in a blur, we sold out at noon. I was tired but so happy. I still can't believe it. 

Rafe: You did it.

Y/n: Correction, we did it.

Rafe enveloped me in a hug, and I leaned into his embrace, feeling a surge of gratitude and happiness.

Y/n: I couldn't have done it without you, Rafe. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me every step of the way.

Rafe: It's my duty to support you, to believe in you and love you as your husband.

Y/n: and you do it so well. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Rafe: well, luckily for you, you'll never have to find out.

He leaned forward, kissing my forehead tenderly. The gesture was simple yet filled with all the love and reassurance I needed in that moment.

Y/n: today has been everything I've ever dreamed of. And it's all because of you.

Rafe: you've worked so hard for this, Y/n. I've seen the late nights, the early mornings, the endless recipe testing. You deserve every bit of succes and happiness that comes your way.

Y/n: It's all been worth it. To see the joy on people's faces when they taste something I've created- it's priceless.

The bell above the door jingled softly.

Y/n: sorry, we're clos-

I turned towards the entrance, my words caught me in throat.

Standing there were John B, JJ, Sarah, Pope, Kiara and Cleo. They wore a mix of surprise and delight on their faces, their eyes scanning the cozy bakery with wide-eyed wonder.

I stammer backwards and Rafe steadies me.

Rafe: I've got you.

Y/n: What are you all doing here?

John B: we couldn't miss the grand opening of Twinkle Treats.

JJ: Yeah, we heard about your bakery and had to come check it out.

Sarah: It's so cute in here! Congratulations, Y/n.

Pope: everything looks amazing. You've really outdone yourself.

Kiara: Is there anything left?

Cleo: congrats, Y/n!

Just as I was about to answer something. Maeve started crying, the babysitter that was sitting in my office came to the front with a crying Maeve. 

Y/n: Oh, Maeve, sweetie, mommy's here.

I gently took Maeve into my arms, soothing her with a soft murmur. Rafe paid the babysitter and she left. 

Sarah: Oh my god, my little niece!

Sarah walked closer but Rafe stopped her. I sat down at a chair gesturing for the rest to sit. 

Y/n: please, have a seat.

Sarah: Maeve is adorable. How old is she now?

Y/n: almost two.

Rafe: so uhm how's Wheezie doing?

Sarah: good, misses you.

Y/n: How are you guys?

All: good, good.


The only sounds were of Maeve beginning to settle in my arms.

Kiara: OMG! I hate this. We miss you, Y/n. And once again congrats on your marriage, Maeve, this bakery, and everything. 

Her words hung in the air, genuine and heartfelt.

Y/n: I miss you guys too, but I got my own life here and it's time to let my past go, well most of it. Congrats on El Dorado and everything.

John B: thank you.

We all exchanged smiles.

Y/n: It's good to see you all here.

JJ: it's been a while.

Sarah: Y/n, we... we're sorry for how things ended.

Y/n: it's okay, I'm sorry too.

Rafe: I'm sorry for everything, I deeply regret everything I've ever done to you guys and I would like us to start over.

Sarah: What have you done to my brother? 

Pope: Is he alright?

JJ: he's an alien.

Y/n: guys, please.

John B: we can try.

Rafe: good. 

Cleo: so, uhm, can we try some of these famous treats?

Y/n: You're lucky I saved some for myself because I'm all sold out.

Rafe grabbed the treats I layed aside and put the down on the table and he also gave everyone something to drink. This was fun, us getting all along and catching up.


A/n: One more week and I have vacation! Yeey! But first some more exams but it's okay. I'm working on some things so stay tuned. Love you all xxx

Word count: 974

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