Chapter 46

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It's finally the day. The wedding day. December 17.

I sat at a table adorned with flowers and candles. I was wearing a pastel pink bridesmaid dress, my hands resting on my belly. Joanna approaches me

Joanna: Y/n, I'm so glad you're here with us today. I couldn't imagine my wedding without you by my side.

I stand to hug her

Y/n: thank you, Joanna. It means the world to me to be here for you.

Just then, Rafe approaches, a mix of emotions evident on his face.

Rafe: hey, babe. Sorry I took so long.

Y/n: everything okay, Rafe?

Rafe: actually, I need to talk to you both. It's about my dad. He, uhm, passed away a few weeks ago. I wanted to tell you sooner, but with all the wedding preparations and everything...

Y/n: oh, Rafe, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say something sooner?

Rafe: I didn't want to burden you, especially with the baby coming soon and all.

Joanna: Rafe. We're here for you, no matter what.

Rafe nods. My dad joins us

Dad: Hey, what's going on over here?

I wipe away tears

Y/n: Ward passed away a few weeks ago. He didn't want to dampen the wedding mood by bringing it up.

My dad places a hand on Rafe's shoulder

Dad: I'm sorry to hear that, son. If you need anything just let me know.

Rafe gives my dad a small smile

Rafe: thank you, Frank.

Dad: and you, my dear, you look absolutely radiant today.

Y/n: thank you, dad. it's been an emotion day, but being here with everyone.. It feels like everything's going to be okay.

Dad: I have a little surprise for you, Rafe.

Rafe: what kind of surprise?

My dad gestures towards the dance floor where a live band begins to play a familiar tune. 

Rafe: you got The Beach Boys to play "God Only Knows"?

My dad nods as Rafe holds out his hand to me.

Rafe: may I have this dance?

Y/n: of course, Rafe.

We dance to the song

Rafe: I love, Y/n. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you and our baby.

I rest my head on his shoulder.

Y/n: I love you too, Rafe. More than words can express.

As the song draws to a close, Rafe presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

Rafe: shall we return to the festivities?

Y/n: yes, let's.

We make our way back to the table, where Joanna and my dad are sitting

Joanna: you two look so beautiful together.

Y/n: thank you, you and my dad do too.

My dad smiles at me.

After the cake, I stand up and get everyone's attention

Y/n: hey, I'm sorry to interupt but I've got a speech prepared. Okay so some of you don't know me, but I'm Y/n, Frank's daughter, and I wanted to take a moment to express just how much I love my father. To begin, let me say that today is a day I've been waiting for my whole life. Seeing my dad marry the most amazing woman has filled my heart with an indescribable joy. From the moment I met Joanna, I knew she was someone special. Her warmth, her kindness, her unwavering love for my dad- it's clear to see why he fell head over heels for her. 

Dad, you've always been my rock, my guiding light, my hero. From teaching me how to ride a bike to offering sage advice when I needed it most, you've been there for me almost every step of the way. And now, as I stand here witnessing your love story unfold, I couldn't be happier for you.

Joanna, welcome to our family. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for bringing so much love and happiness into my dad's life. Your love for him is evident in every glance, every touch, every smile. And for that, I am eternally gratefull. 

As we celebrate this beautiful union today, let us not forget the journey that has brought us here - the highs, the lows, the laughter, and the tears. It's a testament to the strength of love and the power of perseverance.

So here's to my dad and Joanna- may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May you always cherish each other's company, support each other's dreams, and weather life's storms together, hand in hand. To the newlyweds!"

Everyone clapped and my dad stood up, wiping a few tears.

Dad: Thank you.

He hugs me for a long time until finally letting go. And Joanna is next to hug me, also wiping away her tears. 


A/n: I love this, I was to bored to write everything with the pogues that they got rich and shit and blablabla so I kept it short.

word count: 761

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