Chapter 24

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I woke up tangled in Rafe's body, a soft knock on the door. Rafe was still sleeping

Dorothy: you two up?

Y/n: come in.

Dorothy: oh, I could come back later

Y/n: it's okay, he's a deep sleeper. What's up?

Dorothy: I wanted to know what you two liked for breakfast

Y/n: You don't have to do that

Dorothy: yes I do

Y/n: we almost like everything so whatever you have in the house is fine.

Rafe started to groan

Rafe: mhm shut up, leave me alone

Dorothy: I'll leave you two alone and start on the breakfast

Y/n: ok thank you, we'll be out soon

Dorothy leaves and I slap Rafe

Rafe: ow, why did you do that?

Y/n: you scared Dorothy away

Rafe: mhm

Y/n: she's making us breakfast so I'm gonna take a shower

Rafe: I'll join

Y/n: I'm not in the mood Rafe

Rafe: fine

Y/n: you're mad

Rafe: I'm not

Y/n: fine

I head into the shower, Rafe was definitly mad

I get out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror, my bump has gotten bigger, I get dressed and head back into the room. 

No signs of Rafe so I head downstairs

Dorothy: I made some eggs and bacon

Y/n: thank you. Have you seen Rafe?

Dorothy: He walked out, angry

Y/n: did he say anything?

Dorothy: no, I'm sorry

Y/n: this bacon is really good

Dorothy: it was my mother's recipe

Y/n: it's amazing

I finished breakfast and helped cleaning the kitchen even though Dorothy objected

My phone suddenly rang, it was my dad

Y/n: hey dad, what's up?

Dad: you need to come home. You can't run away from reality

Y/n: I'm eighteen dad, I can do what I want. 

Dad: Police are looking for Rafe

Y/n: yeah and he didn't do anything

Dad: that's not what the police is saying

Y/n: well you know exactly where I am so why haven't you reported it to the police yet?

Dad: because I don't want you to hate me. Just come home.

Y/n: I'll come home when it's safe 

Dad: just think about it okay

Y/n: okay.

Dad: is something wrong?

Y/n: Rafe and i got into a fight and he stormed out of the house and now I have no idea where he is. I'm worried about him, dad. And I have no idea why I'm telling you all this.

Dad: he'll come back, he loves you. I'm so sorry but I've got to go, Joanna needs my help.

Y/n: bye.


It was almost midnight and Rafe still wasn't back

Dorothy: go get some sleep

Y/n: he still isn't back, Dorothy. I'm worried

Dorothy: everything will be okay

And just as she said that Rafe stumbled into the house and as soon as I saw him I got off the couch and walked to him. Great, He smells like alcohol.

Rafe: hi babe

Y/n: okay, let's get you to bed

Rafe: I need food

Y/n: no, you need sleep

I help him walk to the bedroom and drop him on the bed. I remove his shoes, suddenly he lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach

Rafe: You're gonna take her from me, aren't you? 

He looks me in the eyes

Rafe: you'll see. You'll choose him over me.

Y/n: nobody's chosing anybody. And he might be a she.

He rolls his eyes

Rafe: oh jesus.

He lays down and immediately falls asleep in the middle of the bed


A/n: short chapter, sorry for not posting in a while. It's almost vacation for me so in a week or 2 there will be more.  And also I wanted to add the fifty shades of freed reference.

Hope you're liking it so far!❤️

word count: 558

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now