Chapter 27

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Sarah: hey Y/n, why are you calling?

Y/n: we know the gender.

Sarah: oh my god!! Tell me! Please be a girl

Y/n: It's a girl

Sarah: oh my goodddd!!! Yes! I knew it! When are you due?

Y/n: around christmas

Sarah: oh my god!! A christmas miracle

Y/n: Don't spoil your niece to much

Sarah: I won't, okay that's a lie I totally will spoil her. Keep me updated please. 

Y/n: I will. 

Sarah: gotta run, bye

Y/n: bye

I end the call and Rafe looks at me waiting for me to talk

Rafe: what did she say?

Y/n: she's super excited.

Rafe: do you want to tell your dad next?

Y/n: yes but only if Joanna is there with him, she doesn't even know I'm pregnant. And I want to tell James alone because I don't know if he will understand. 

Rafe: should we bring some of our cookies

Y/n: good idea but don't poison them with yours

We grab some cookies and walk over to my house. We walk inside

Y/n: hello?

Dad: kitchen!

We walk over to the kitchen

Y/n: what are you guys doing?

Dad: We're tasting cakes for the wedding

Y/n: you guys decided on a date?

Joanna: December 17

Y/n: any reason behind?

Joanna: it was the day everything began

Y/n: that's cute

Dad: so what are you two doing here?

Y/n: we have an announcement and brought cookies that we baked this morning

Rafe gives the cookies to my dad

Y/n: dad you already know this but Joanna doesn't. Okay so how do I say this

Rafe: we're pregnant

Y/n: seriously! You could've said that in so many ways!

Rafe: oh come on, I'm sorry but other wise we were gonna stand here forever

Joanna: well congratulations! How far along are you?

Y/n: 5 months, we found out the gender today

Dad: and...?

Rafe: it's a girl

Y/n: but having said that. Is James in his room? I want to tell him 

Dad: yeah, go ahead. But I want to have a little chat with your man over here

Y/n: dad...

Dad: don't worry, I'll be nice

I kiss Rafe and head to James room, seeing him play with his cars

James: hi

Y/n: hey

James and I talked about it and he was so excited

Me and James walked downstairs and back to the kitchen

Dad: got it?

Rafe: yes sir

Y/n: what's going on? 

Dad: nothing. But I do have a job for you two. Joanna and I are going away for a few days, we want you two too look after James and Isabelle. 

Y/n: where are you going?

Dad: the Bahamas

Me and Rafe look at each other 

Y/n: we'll look after them. 

Joanna: thank you so much

Y/n: no problem.


Dad: alright, bags are in the car. Food is in the fridge, money is on your card, kids are in bed. I think we're ready to go.

Y/n: relax, we've got this.

Dad: okay, but if there is anything, call us.

Y/n: We will, have fun. Bye.

My dad got in his car with Joanna and left, I waved and then hugged Rafe.

Y/n: let's do this. What's the worst that can happen?

Okay so I cheered to early, Isabelle won't go to sleep, I've tried everything, Rafe has tried everything. We're so lost, we suck at this.

Rafe: we're gonna be shitty parents, look at us.

Y/n: don't say that, let's just think for a second. A song!

Rafe: a song, seriously?

Y/n: yes, my dad always sang this one song to me when I was younger because I couldn't sleep. I think I still remember it.

Rafe: try it.

Y/n: You are my sunshineMy only sunshine You make me happyWhen skies are grey You'll never know, dearHow much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.

Rafe: it worked

Rafe whispered.

Y/n: thank god. 

We left Isabelle's room and went to my room

Y/n: let's hope she sleeps the whole night

We finally layed down in bed when my door opened.

James: Y/n?

Y/n: hey, what is it?

James: I had a nightmare again.

Y/n: again?

James: I wet the bed again, I'm sorry

Y/n: hey, it's okay. Rafe, can you change the bed while I help him with a change of pj's and a shower. 

Rafe: yeah fine.

James was back in a fresh bed and we layed down again when Isabelle began to cry.

Y/n: can't we get one minute?

Rafe: I'll get her

Y/n: thank you

James walked back in my room.

James: I'm scared, I can't sleep. I'm sorry

Y/n: It's okay, come here.

He layed down next to me and Rafe came back with Isabelle in his arms. 

Y/n: cozy!

Rafe gave Isabelle to me so he could get in the bed as well, luckily my bed was big enough for all of us

Rafe: please let us get some rest.

James cuddled up to Rafe and he tensed

Y/n: relax

Rafe: I do not like this 

I laugh and so does Isabelle, so fucking cute.

Y/n: he likes you

Rafe: I like him too. But I love you

Y/n: I love you too

We fell asleep fast and still got a good night sleep


A/n: again a short chapter, hope you're liking it. 

word count: 798

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