Chapter 8 - 🌶️

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I was sitting at the dining table with my shoup and my dad sitting across from me.

Shoup: I need you to tell me what happened, Y/n.

I was totally zoned out, I just wanted to get out of there. I need some air. I stood up and ran out of the house, I have no idea where I'm going but I already know where I'll end up.

I ran and ran and ran as fast as i could and here i am standing in front of the Cameron's residence.

I send a Rafe a text

Y/n: I'm outside

Rafe: coming

A minute past and Rafe walked out

Rafe: what are you doing here?

Y/n: I need you to fuck me, hard

Rafe: don't need to ask me twice

Rafe walked closer and crashed his lips against mine. Rafe picks me up and carries me to the closest room which was his dad's office. He sits me down on his dad's desk and stands between my legs.

Rafe pulls my top off to reveal my bare chest. He grabs one of my tits and then sucks on the other.

Y/n: mmhm Rafe

I grab the hem of his shirt and he takes it off, revealing his toned muscular abs. I trace his abs with my fingers as Rafe kisses my tits and neck. He continues to kiss my neck and then he takes my shorts and underwear off. 

I lean back on the desk and Rafe gets down on his knees, eye level with my pussy. He pushes my legs up so they were on the desk. Rafe began to eat me out. I push a load of stuff of the desk as my back arches from the pleasure Rafe was giving me.

His tongue was swirling around my clit and his fingers we thrusting into me.

Y/n: Rafe, yes

He grips my thighs and pulls me closer to his face. I grab onto his hair and tug on it slightly. My head tilts right back and I moan loudly.

Y/n: fuck Rafe, yes, yes, yes! I'm gonna cum

His tongue moves so fast it's unbelievable. I feel myself cumming. My legs begin to shake and I clench around Rafe's fingers.

Y/n: Rafe.

Rafe takes his fingers out of me and lines his dick up with my entrance. He wastes no time in thrusting into me at a fast pace. He began to groan in pleasure.

Rafe: you're so tight, Y/n.

Y/n: mhm Rafe yes.

He thrusts into me quickly and starts to kiss my neck. Rafe holds onto my hips and slams himself into me. I moan in pleasure.

Y/n: Yes, Rafe. Keep going

Rafe stops kissing me and tilts his head back.

Y/n: faster Rafe

Rafe looks at me and starts thrusting faster. He moves one hand to my clit and starts to circle it.

Y/n: yes right there mhm

He then starts to kiss the side of my face and whimper in my ear. Our mouths both form an 'O' shape as we begin to reach our highs.

Just as I was about to cum the door to the office opens. We were to busy to realise that Ward was standing at the door watching us.

Y/n: Rafe, I'm gonna cum!

Rafe lifts his head up from my neck and sees his dad watching us with a shocked expression. I see Rafe's face turn red so I look behind me and I nearly die at the sight of Ward.

Rafe doesn't stop thrusting into me. He continues at a really slow pace but I can feel myself cumming. I wrap my arms around Rafe's neck and burry my head into his chest, trying to cover mine. I dig my nails into his back and moan. I moan louder than I ever have before, which is really inconvenient considering Ward is still watching us.


This is so fucking embarrassing.

Rafe: uh hey dad...

Ward gives an annoyed and awkward smile

Ward: Rafe, can we talk?

Rafe: yeah sure, I'm just gonna.. um you know...

Ward nods but continues to stand there

Rafe pulls out of me and pulls his pants up. He throws me my clothes and I quickly get dressed. I get down of the desk. I walk past Ward

Y/n: I'm sorry Ward.

He ignores me and keeps his eyes fixed on Rafe.

I run out of the house, jesus christ that was embarrassing as fuck.


A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for it being short. 

word count: 710

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