Chapter 37 - 🌶️

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At one point Barry arrived, they were talking business while I cleaned up the mess me and Rafe made while making the wraps.

They were talking about selling the gold and about Barry's aunt that could help them. 

When I was done cleaning, I grabbed my laptop and sat down at the table. Making a moodboard for the wedding. 

Barry left after a few and Rafe hovered over me looking at my laptop. 

Rafe: already thinking of the wedding?

Y/n: yeah, I couldn't help it. What do you think?

Rafe: pink, white and on the beach. Yeah I like it.

He kisses me on the cheek and sits down on the chair next to me.

Y/n: do you want to add something?

Rafe: nope, it's perfect you do what you want. Whatever you want I'll buy it for you. 


Late in the evening Rafe was calling someone again, while i was dibbing my toes in the water. I was looking at the other boats when I suddenly saw a familiar face, Pope he was pointing a gun this way. FUCK.  I stood up and watched as a girl I didn't know comforted Pope. (A/n: not trying to exclude Cleo, I love her, but as Y/n we have never met her so we don't know who she is) THANK GOD

I walked to Rafe who had ended his call and hugged him. 

Rafe: hey, you okay? What is it?

Rafe kissed my hair and rubbed my back.

Rafe: Am I too much on my phone? 

Y/n: no it's not that. It's nothing.

Rafe: hey, tell me.

He lifts my chin with his fingers so that I'm making eye contact with him. 

Rafe: I'm listening.

Y/n: I was thinking of my mom. 

I needed to think of something so I just lied. 

Rafe: why? 

Y/n: I don't know, she just took over my mind.

Rafe: well let me take her of your mind

He starts kissing my neck and unzips my dress

Y/n: inside?

Rafe mumbles a yes against my neck, propably leaving a hickey. We walk to the bedroom of the boat and once we were inside, we made quick work of our clothes. 

I layed down and brought Rafe into a kiss again, he pulled away and sat himself up on his knees, his hands resting on my hips. 

He stroked himself a few times before he pushed his aching cock inside my pussy. The pace was slowly for about ten minutes, then it got faster, harder and we got louder at the same time.

I moaned and whimpered with pleasure, wrapping my legs around Rafe's waist and my arms around his shoulders, my head tilting back as noises and incoherent babbles flew out of my mouth.

Y/n: ah- ah fuck

I clawed lightly at Rafe's back as I started feeling my climax building more and more as time went on, Rafe grunted softly in response and pushed himself quicker, harder.

Y/n: fuck fuck R-Rafe!

I gasped then moaned even louder as Rafe started rubbing my clit in time with his thrusts, sucking and biting on my neck.

Rafe: cum for me, Y/n.

I groaned and pulled Rafe into a harsh kiss, cumming over his cock only seconds later.

Rafe kissed back as he moaned quietly and only managed to thrust a couple more times before cumming inside of me, slowing down to a stop. 

We pulled away a couple seconds later, panting softly. We cuddled and fell asleep a few minutes later. 


A/n: It's been a while since we've had some smut, hope you guys like it! I'm not gonna promise anything but I really want to post atleast one chapter every day so I'm gonna try my best. BYE! Love you and thank you all for the amzing support! Stay safe ❤️ 

word count: 613

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