Chapter 35

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Me and Rafe were at the country club watching the news, I was drinking a smoothie while Rafe was drinking whiskey. The news was telling us about that Sarah, John B, JJ, Kiara and Pope were back and also that Big John was back from the "dead". 

Y/n: oh my god, he's still alive?

Rafe: yep.

He drinks the last of his drink as he smiles.

Y/n: what's so funny?

Rafe: nothing.

Y/n: can we do something fun? I'm bored.

Rafe: I've got an idea.


Y/n: Oh my god, Rafe. This is so cute. 

He brought us to the beach, the cabin where we first hang out after I got fired. And then we got some ice cream, I smashed it in his face and then we kissed for the first time. 

Rafe: I thought it would be a good idea and I've also ordered us some salads for lunch, they should be here in a few.

Y/n: I love you.

I kiss him and then sit down on the couch watching the waves

Y/n: are you really going to sell Tannyhill? 

Rafe: I don't want to, I visioned our daughter running around in the house, being happy. Us, together.

Y/n: really?

Rafe: yeah.

I put my head on his shoulder.

Y/n: you know we still need to buy a lot of baby stuff.

Rafe: you know what, I won't sell Tannyhill and I'm going to start working on the nursery. 

Y/n: omg. Can we go shopping this week?

Rafe: of course.

Y/n: yes.

Rafe got a message that the food arrived so he got it from the delivery guy.

 I stood up from the couch and walked closer to the water. The beach is serene, the gentle lull of the waves creating a soothing atmosphere. My hand resting gently on my belly, lost in thought. 

Rafe: hey, there you are.

Y/n: it's beautiful out here.

Rafe: almost as beautiful as you.

Y/n: stop it, you.

Rafe: I mean it, Y/n. You're glowing.

Y/n: thank you, Rafe.

Rafe: Y/n, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about.

Y/n: what is it?

Rafe kneels down in the sand as he takes my hand in his

Rafe: Y/n, from the moment I found out we were going to have a baby, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life making you and our daughter happy. You've given me a gift beyond measure, and I can't imagine facing the future without you by my side.

Tears were welling up in my eyes as I put my free hand over my heart

Y/n: Rafe.

Rafe opens a small box he had hidden in his pocket, as he reveals a delicate ring.

Rafe: Y/n, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me and let me spend the rest of my days loving and cherishing you and our little girl?

Overcome with emotion, I nod fervently, tears streaming down my cheeks

Y/n: Yes, Rafe, yes! A thousand times, yes!

Rafe: I love you, Y/n. And I can't wait to meet our daughter.

Y/n: And I love you, Rafe. More than you'll ever know.

We share a tender kiss, the waves whispering our congratulations as we embark on this new journey together.

Y/n: please tell me you also brought food

Rafe laughs

Rafe: yes I did.

Y/n: thank god because I'm hungry. 


A/n: I'm sorry if you don't like it but I love it so deal with it. I'm tired as fuck so I'm going to sleep. Chapter 36 will be posted tomorrow and maybe chapter 37. I'll see where I get, I won't promise anything. Good night or Good morning (whatever time it is) Take care! ❤️

word count: 585

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