Chapter 14

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It was the next morning and a doctor walked in

Doctor: Hello, we're here to do some more testing

Y/n: when will we know the results?

Doctor: in 2 days

Y/n: thank you

Doctor: good morning James, did you sleep okay?

James: yes

After some testing my dad walked in

Dad: good news, James can go home

James: yeey!

Dad: but we'll be staying in New York for a couple more days because the hospital care is a lot better than in the OBX

Y/n: so how did it go with Joanna?

Dad: really good, thank you for pushing me

Y/n: you're welcome

Dad: I did get a call from the OBX. Sherrif Peterkin was shot by John B Routledge. He got on a boat and there was a storm. But he wasn't alone on the boat. Sarah Cameron was with him. They're declared dead.

Y/n: oh my god, no!

I dropped to the floor and broke down in tears. They're gone!

Dad: We're going back to the OBX in a week to attend Peterkin's funeral.

Y/n: oh my god, I can't believe it. It's not real.

A week later

We are back in the OBX, home sweet home.

Looking fabulous in all black. I was standing next to Rafe, holding his hand. The whole time Shoupe and some other guy who worked for the FBI or whatever looked at Rafe and Ward. Something was wrong.

Minister: Though she has now departed, let us honor her bravery and sacrifice in the line of duty. Through her memory, let us pursue what is just and right. As we commit her body to the ground, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


Minister: we shall remember to uphold the ideas which she stood for.

My dad and James went home and I went with Rafe.

Y/n: you okay?

Rafe: mhm

Y/n: What is going on? What aren't you telling me?

Rafe: we shouldn't be together

Y/n: where is this coming from? Did you dad get in your head again?

Rafe: I can't do this

Y/n: what? You need to be more specific

Rafe: this, us. I can't, not after what I did.

Y/n: what did you do?

Rafe: just leave, we're done

I'm holding back my tears

Y/n: so that's it

Rafe: yeah, get out

Y/n: but we love each other

Rafe: I lied

Y/n: You asshole!

I start punching him

Y/n: why would you do this to me! I fucking hate you!

I slap him hard against his cheek

Y/n: I never want to see you again

I turn around and leave. Once I'm home I almost break down when James runs to me

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now