Chapter 41

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Rafe's POV

I went to find my dad and kill him, leaving Y/n alone at home.

Ward: I decided to make some changes.

Rafe: what are those?

Ward: I'm taking control of the company away from you.

Rafe: what?

Ward: you're not in charge anymore, Rafe.

Rafe: what are you saying?

Ward: my attorney found a more recent document that left control to Rose. 

Rafe: Rose?

Ward: yeah. You didn't think I was gonna give up complete control, did you, Rafe? Not be able to tap the rudder a little bit? I'm very generous with my children

Rafe: oh, are you?

Ward: but I'm not a complete fool.

Rafe: No, of course not.

Ward: It's clear to me you're in over your head with Y/n and the baby, so control goes to Rose. And we're cutting your stipend. We're selling Tannyhill, and I need you and Y/n out of there by the end of the week.

Rafe: okay. Um...

Ward: and I know that's hard, son. It's hard letting go of this old life, but that is exactly what you have to do, because we are starting a brand-new life. We're gonna be reborn. Right, but to do that, we have to let this life go. We have to bury it. 

Rafe: Reborn, reborn, reborn! Are you for real right now?

Ward: yeah.

Rafe: Friar Cameron. You can't stand that I'm on my own right now! That I have the power!

Ward: do you, Rafe? Do you have the power?

Rafe: I mean, I'll tell the police you're here. That you're alive.

Ward: yeah?

Rafe: so... I think I have some power.

Ward: wow, I guess i'd have to tell them that you killed Sheriff Peterkin. I mean, I wouldn't want to, but... in the end, it actually might be the good thing for you. To face up to some of these things. I think they would go easy on you. I mean, Sarah would back me up, right? She was there. 

Rafe: have you seen her?

Ward: Of course I've seen her. She' smy daughter. I offered her some money and a pleace to stay but-

I grabbed the gun I brought with me and pointed it at him. I was done with his bullshit. This needed to end. So why couldn't I pull the trigger?

Ward: Rafe. See? The devil's got you son. You want to shoot me? You can't, son. Because as angry as you are, I am your father, and you love me.

Do it, Rafe. He deserves it. You deserve closure.

I shoot but miss on purpose, I can't. I look my father in the eye one last time and leave.

I arrive back at Tannyhill, seeing Y/n smiling while baking something. She looks so pretty, glowing.

Y/n: oh, hey. You scared me.

Rafe: sorry. What you making?

Y/n: brownies

Rafe: anything I can help with?

Y/n: can you preheat the oven for me while I finish up here?

I preheat the oven and lean against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest.

Rafe: You're in a good mood.

Y/n: I'm going dress shopping with Joanna tomorrow for the wedding

Rafe: That's nice. 

Y/n: you're in a not so good mood, how's that?

Rafe: saw my dad.

Y/n: ow.

She hugged me and I instantly felt way better. 

Y/n: You wanna talk about it?

Rafe: no, but he said we needed to move out, we've got a week. But I'm going to fix this.

Y/n: We'll figure it out together, we always od.

Rafe: yeah. I'm not going to let him ruin everything.

Y/n: of course not. We'll find a way. 


A/n: be expecting some more chapter because tomorrow is my last exam! So I'll be updating this weekend because I need to clean my room and do some other stuff. Sorry for a bit of a boring chapter, it's a bit of a filler. 

word count: 617

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