Chapter 29

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Rafe still wasn't back, he said he would come back in the morning. Everytime I call him, it goes straight to voicemail. 

After lunch, my dad and Joanna came back so I went to the Cameron's residence. As I was walking to the front door I heard voices coming from the backyard so I walked over there, seeing Rafe throwing a tennis ball at the wall and another older men sitting in a chair. They haven't seen me yet so I decide to eavesdrop.

Rafe: she really believe that shit about the magic bathrobe?

men: full-on. She got nothing else to believe in. Why not that?

Rafe: but the cross, that exists, yeah?

What the hell are they talking about? Magic bathrobe? A  cross? 

men: did at some point. That's a historical fact.

Rafe: and it's valuable?

men: it's seven feet high, plated in gold, and full of diamonds. You tell me.

Rafe: I was just asking.

Y/n: what are you guys talking about?

Rafe: what are you doing here, babe?

Y/n: you said you were coming back

Rafe: something came up

Y/n: you mean a golden cross?

men: you know it's not appropiate to eavesdrop, pretty girl.

Rafe: back off, Renfield

What kind of name was Renfield, lol

Y/n: calm down, why didn't you call? Your phone's been going straight to voicemail. 

Rafe: my phone's still at yours

Y/n: ow. Whatver you're doing now, I want in.

Rafe: no

Y/n: what do you mean no? I want in.

Rafe: not in your state. 

Y/n: seriously? 

Rafe: yeah. Just go home and rest. 

Y/n: I can't believe you right now.

Suddenly Topper's car came into view.

Rafe: shit.

Topper: hey, Rafe. Got no beef, man. I'm, uh.. I'm just here to meet Sarah.

Rafe: Sarah's not here. Go... Go chase her somewhere else.

Topper: What do you mean, Sarah's not here? I talked with her earlier.

Y/n: she's not here, Top.

Topper: I'm supposed to meet her here, supposed to pick her up.

Rafe: how would I know where my sister is, huh? And one thing you should know, Top, is... is I got nothing against you.

Y/n: she's probably with John B.

Topper: Is that where she is? Is she with John B?

Rafe: where the hell else would she be? Huh? Unless she found some other sucker. yeah?

Y/n: Rafe, please calm down.

Topper: I can just track her. I completely forgot. I can just track her phone. 

Rafe: Are you spying on her?

Topper: no, I'm not spying on her. Rafe, I just care about her. I want to make sure she's safe.

Y/n: does she know? Other wise that's a huge violation of privacy.

Topper: no

He turns around to leave but Rafe stops him

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