Chapter 28 - 🌶️

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James and I were baking a cake in the kitchen while Rafe was asleep on the couch with Isabelle on his chest, it was so adorable. When suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Y/n: keep mixing, you're doing a good job

I open the door and see Shoupe.

Shoupe: Y/n, we need to talk. Any chance Rafe is also here?

Y/n: yeah, he's here but he's sleeping.

Suddenly I heard Isabelle cry and some feetsteps walking towards us. 

Rafe: she's crying ag- 

Y/n: Relax, you didn't do anything. 

Shoupe: I'm just here to talk.

I take Isabelle from Rafe's arms and open the door wider so Shoupe can walk in

Y/n: want anything to drink?

Shoupe: no thank you. Is your dad home?

Y/n: uh no, he and Joanna went to the Bahamas for a couple of days. We're babysitting.

James: Y/n! I'm sorry, I spilled everything

James walked into the living room with cake batter all over him, I started laughing which made Isabelle laugh. Her little laugh was so fucking cute.

Y/n: it's okay, let's get you cleaned up.

I layed Isabelle down on her playmat.

After having cleaned up everything, I sat down next to Rafe at the dinner table.

Y/n: sorry about that.

Shoupe: No problem, why did you run away?

Y/n: we didn't run, we were going to Seattle. 

Shoupe: alright. So where were you when Peterkin got shot, Rafe?

Rafe was annoyed and stressed out so I grabbed his hand and interlinked  our fingers and put our hands on my stomach.

Y/n: don't say anything. I'm curious, why are you asking this, when Ward literally confessed?

Shoupe: It's protocol.

Y/n: bullshit. Case is closed. So unless you have a proper question, I would like for you to leave, please.

Shoupe stands up and so do I. I walk him out and once he's gone. 

Y/n: you okay?

I ask Rafe while walking back into the living room

Rafe: I think so, are you?

I hug him

Y/n: yeah

I look into his eyes and kiss his lips.

James: eww

We pull apart and I tickle James

Y/n: there's nothing eww about it.

James: ahh stoppp!! Haha It tickles stop please

I stop tickling him and sit down on the couch

 Y/n: Wanna watch a movie?

James: toy story!! Please?

Y/n: alright

Rafe: I'll get the popcorn

I set up the movie and Rafe returns with the popcorn

Y/n: thank you

In the middle of the movie, Rafe interupts 

Rafe: okay seriously I don't get the point of the movie

Y/n: It explains that the toys are suffering the pains of losing their owners as they watch them grow up and there is often times nothing they can do to replicate their happiness.

Rafe: ah ok. Wait who's that?

James: sshhh!

I cover up my laugh and whisper

Y/n: that's Zigzag

Rafe: I don't like this movie

Y/n: you're just bored 

Suddenly I felt the baby kick and I let out a little gasp and rub my stomach. Rafe was on alert immediatly

Rafe: what's wrong?

Y/n: nothing, the baby just kicked for the first time

Rafe: you scared me for a minute

Y/n: scared me too.

James: can you two please be quiet?

Y/n: sorry

Rafe got up from the couch and held out his hand

Rafe: I'm bored and we're interupting his movie

I grab his hand and we walk to my room and lock the door behind 

The minute the door is locked, our lips collide. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, followed by his boxers. I got down on my knees and stroked his dick a few times. 

I opened my mouth and he laid the tip on my tongue. I moaned as the precum was now being spread around my tongue. I wasted no time sucking on his dick. His fingers tangled in my hair and he slowly started controlling the pace. Going faster by the second and groaning in the process.

He twitched and pushed himself deeper until he hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I swallowed every last drop. He pulled out and wiped the saliva from my chin. 

Rafe: fuck. You good?

Y/n: yeah, just need a minute to catch my breath

Rafe pulled his pants back on and helped me get back on my feet.

Y/n: let's get back, it's almost lunch time


After dinner Rafe decided to go back home to check in on Wheezie. I put the kids to bed and then I took a long, hot shower. 

I put on a random movie and got settled on the couch. When I got an incoming call from my dad and answered it. 

Dad: hey, how's it going?

Y/n: first night was a sleepless night but now they're crashed out. 

Dad: I get it, had the same problem the first night. It's normal.

Y/n: I felt the baby kick for the first time

Dad: oh, Where's Rafe?

Y/n: he went home to check in on his sister. 

Dad: that's nice

Y/n: how's it going over there?

Dad: not so great, Joanna's gotten food poisoning so we'll be coming back sooner than expected.

Y/n: ow no is she okay?

Dad: holding up

Y/n: I hope she feels better soon. But I'm feeling tired so I'm gonna head to bed soon. 

Dad: alright, we'll be back tommorow

Y/n: good night

Dad: night

I end the call and head to bed.


A/n: long time no see! Hope you're liking it. 

Someone wanted to have an update about my crush so here it is: I think I saw to much into it. Our class was devided in 2 and I got set into the other class. And last I heard he got together with someone from his class and she's his girlfriend now. So yeah I'm heartbroken but I handle it, I think. It actually feels really good writing stuff on here so I'll do it more often.

word count: 926

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now