Chapter 16

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Y/n: you, me talk now

Rafe: okay

Y/n: What ha-

oh god, I'm gonna puke

Rafe: are you okay?

I head over the a bush and puke my guts out, ew

I feel Rafe holding my hair and caressing my back

Fuck I forgot to take the pregnancy test well guess I'll just go to a doctor to be safe I guess

Rafe: Y/n?

Y/n: I'm pregnant

Rafe: what?

Y/n: I don't know for sure, like I haven't done a test but I got a test in the car and I was gonna take it today but then instead I drove to yours and well yeah. I'm late with my period, I'm tired as fuck and I'm puking my guts out, I probably have some more systems but- Rafe?

Rafe stumbles back and almost falls but gets a hold of himself

Rafe: how?

Y/n: do you need the birds and the bees talk?

Rafe: Take the test

Y/n: sure


We've been waiting for a good 15 minutes and we're scared to look

I turn over the test

2 lines, positive


Y/n: I'm pregnant

Rafe: maybe it's not accurate, go to a doctor

Y/n: it's 2 in the morning, I want some sleep Rafe

Rafe: why aren't you freaking out by this?

Y/n: Trust me I am, I'll go to a doctor tomorrow.

Rafe suddenly hugs me, not the reaction I suspected

Rafe: fuck baby what are you going to do?

Y/n: I don't know

Rafe: we'll work it out, I'm here for you

Y/n: but you've got your whole fucking future planned out, me I'm not even gonna get into college.

Rafe: what do you wanna be? Without thinking say the first thing that comes to your mind.

Y/n: a bakery fuck that sounds stupid

Rafe: It doesn't sound stupid, tell me more. Why? There must be a story

Y/n: before my mom had James, we loved baking together. She gave me all my grandmothers recipes, which were delicious. I still love to bake but I never do it anymore.

Rafe: why don't you?

Y/n: I don't know actually. I just stopped, I probably should bake again

Rafe: do it. Just fuck it all. Life is to short

This man, I love him more by each second

After saying goodbye to Rafe, I walked home and went straight to bed.


I wake up and want to grab my phone from my nightstand to see what time it is but I feel nauseous. So I quickly run to my bathroom and throw up. I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

Dad: you okay?

Y/n: yeah just a bit sick

Dad: if you need anything, I'm here

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now