Chapter 32

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We ended up in Guadeloupe, in a really pretty house. I'm almost 7 months now and it shows. 

While Ward was sleeping and recovering, Rafe kept him up to date with his daily talks. He shaved his head, it took me a few days to get used to but it was hot as fuck. 

Y/n: how is he?

Rafe: he's getting better

Y/n: that's good.

Rafe: yeah.

Y/n: he's gonna be okay.

Rafe: I know I know.

Y/n: when are the buyers coming?

Rafe: in an hour

Y/n: good, then you have an hour to massage my feet

Rafe: alright, anything for my queen and little princess.

*an hour later*

I was sitting at the table with the buyers, Rose and Rafe.

Rafe: again, thank you both for coming. I know it was a long way to travel. But I think what we have is... is pretty worthwhile.

Woman: yes. Well, Michel is the most prominent antiquities dealer of the West Indies. Unfortunately, he only speaks French. 

Michel: no, English.

Rafe: what is... what is French for priceless?

Y/n: inestimable

Rafe looks at me with a questionable look

Y/n: what? I like French.

We go look at the cross

Michel: Je peut toucher?

Woman: uh, may he touch it?

Rafe: knock yourself out, Michel.

Woman: oui.

Michel: ç'est complex. C'est defenitifment 18e siècle. Regardez ses votre tablet svp.

Woman: oui d'accord.

Michel: je comprend pas. Où l'as tu trouvé?

Woman: he wants to know where you found it.

Rafe: don't worry about it. We got it. That's all he needs to know. It's here. It's for sale. So who can we get to buy it?

Michel: Pour une pièce comme celle-ci de cette vauleur, les acheteurs sont très limités. Comme une institution ou un musée.

Woman: For a piece like this of this value, there are very limited buyers. Like an institution or a museum.

Michel: Mais il a un client à la Barbade qui pourrait être intéressé. Ce client aura beaucoup de questions. Il voudra vous rencontrer en personne. 

Woman: But he has a client in Barbado who will be interested. This client will have lots of questions. He'll want to meet with you in person.

Michel: Appelez ce numéro pour tout arranger.

Woman:  Call this number to arrange everything.

Michel: You... You phone.

Rafe: yes

Michel: very important.

Rafe: very important. Very good.

Woman: oui.

Rafe: let's make a deal?

Michel: let's make a deal.

Something's off. I just know it. 


Rafe: you're not coming with me, it's too dangerous

Y/n: I'm coming with you, you're not stopping me.

Rafe: baby, listen to me. You're due in 2 months with our little princess. I need you both safe. Please. I love you, remember that.

Y/n: fine. You've got a point. But please call me. 

Rafe: I will. If you promise me to stay here.

Y/n: fine. I'll stay here.

Rafe: good.

At some point Rose wiggled her way into the conversation

Rafe: I don't have time for this, Rose, okay? I gotta get to Bridgetown. I'm taking the boat.

Rose: come on, Rafe. You don't even know this guy. You can't just go out and try and make a deal, Rafe. That's so risky.

Rafe: I can't?

Rose: I know you think you know what you're doing. But there are people out there that know your dad is alive. No! Not just people, Pogues.

Rafe: pogues, pogues. Listen, they can't prove it. They don't know where we are.

Rose: Sarah does.

Rafe: oh, Sarah does! Listen, Sarah's not gonna do shit, Rose. She's too afraid, and if the Pogues show up, I'm just gonna handle it.

Rose: you'll handle it? When have you ever handled anything for us? Rafe, everything you touch turns to-

Rafe: hey! Hey! Listen. I'm gonna sell the cross that I found. Okay? That I saved, and when Dad wakes up... 

Rose: okay.

Rafe: he's gonna see that I took care of it. Not you.

I'm loving this.

Rose: sure.

Rafe: so why don't you go have yourself another Tom Collins while I go make us all a shit ton of money? Okay?

Rose gets all angry and throws her glass against the wall.

Rafe: you missed. Maybe you don't need another drink.

I can't hold my laughter anymore and I burst out laughing.

Rafe grabs his bags and meets me at the door.

Y/n: be safe, for us?

Rafe: I will.

Y/n: I love you

Rafe: I love you too

He kisses me passionately on the lips and then crouches down and kisses my stomach.

Rafe: bye little princess and goodbye my queen. I'll be back. 

And I watch as he leaves probably going on a dangerous adventure.


A/n: A bit of a filler chapter, sorry if it's boring.

word count: 729

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