Chapter 47

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The winter air held a crisp bite as I nestled myself into the cozy depths of my blankets. 5 days before christmas.

It began with a suble twinge in my abdomen, a discomfort I brushed off as the normal aches of pregnancy. But as the hours passed, the twinges grew into unmistakable cramps, each one more intense than the last. Panic seized my heart as I realized what was happening.

Y/n: RAFEEE!!!!

My voice was trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation. I had hoped he would be home by now, but the minutes ticked by relentlessly, and there was no sign of him. With each passing moment, the intensity of my contractions increased.

My water broke with a sudden gush, sending a shock of adrenaline coursing through my veins. My hands shook as I reached my phone, my fingers fumbling to dial Rafe's number. Please, please pick up.

Rafe: Y/n? What's wrong?

Y/n: It's happening, Rafe. I-I need you here.

Rafe: I'm on my way, Y/n. Just hold on, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can.

The door swung open, Rafe rushed in.

Rafe: Are you alright?

I nodded weakly

Y/n: we need to go to the hospital.

Without a moment's hesitation, Rafe sprang into action, guiding me gently towards the door as he helped me into the car. The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity.

Rafe: we're almost there.

As we reached the delivery room, I felt a surge of fear grip my heart. The reality of childbirth loomed before me, a daunting journey into the unknown. But Rafe remained by my side, his presence a source of unwavering strenght.

As my contractions intensified, each wave of pain crashing over me like a relentless tide. I couldn't endure this any longer

Y/n: I can't do it anymore

Rafe: yes, you can, baby. You're stronger than you think. I believe in you

With renewed determination, I pushed through the pain, Rafe's hand clasped tightly in mine, his presence a constant reminder that I wasn't alone.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, our daughter made her grand entrance into the world. My cries of pain melted into tears of joy as I cradled the tiny bundle in my arms, my heart overflowing with love.

Rafe: You did it, You're amazing. I love you, both.

Doctor: so dad, would you like to cut the cord?

Tears welled in Rafe's eyes as he reached out to take the scissors, his hands trembling with emotion.

Rafe: yes, I would be honored.

With a steady hand, Rafe carefully snipped the umbilical cord.

Rafe: we did it, we brought her into this world together.

I smiled

Y/n: yes, together.

Maeve Cameron born 20 december


A/n: If your name is Maeve, I love your name. 

word count: 441

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