Chapter 7

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I woke up alone, Rafe was nowhere to be seen. I took a shower and went downstairs, grabbing some breakfast. My dad and James walked in with a lot of bags

Dad: good morning

Y/n: morning

Dad: what are you going to do today?

Y/n: I'm going to hang out with some friends and probably get the rest of my stuff from mom's

Dad: ok, text me if you won't sleep at home

Y/n: I will, I'm going to get going now

Dad: if you want Y/n, I can sign you up for some driving lessons

Y/n: really?

Dad: yes of course

Y/n: omg thank you, but I'm running late now, bye

James: bye!

I walk out the door and walk towards the Cameron's wanting to talk to Rafe

I knock on the door and Sarah answers 

Sarah: hey Y/n, what are doing here?

Y/n: hi, I wanted to talk to Rafe

Sarah: he's in his room

Y/n: ok thank you

I walked upstairs and saw John B and Ward talking. What was John B doing here? I walked to Rafe's room and knocked on the door

Rafe: come in!

I walked in and saw him sitting on his bed

Rafe: Y/n? Why are you here?

Y/n: why did you leave?

Rafe: I heard your dad arriving and I panicked

Y/n: You? Rafe Cameron, panicked?

Rafe: yeah, I'm sorry okay?

Y/n: you're forgiven on one condition 

Rafe: which is?

Y/n: you'll find out


I walk to the chateau and sit down on the couch

Y/n: hey, so I've got to apologise for not being there for y'all but DCS found my dad and I'm living with him now on figure eight. But I'm still a pogue and I'm gonna be there for y'all. So I hope you guys can forgive me.

JJ: I forgive you but let me just tell you, you missed a lot of shit

Pope, Kiara and JJ filled me in on what I'e missed and dang I wish I was there, after a few minutes John B and Sarah arrived

Kie: No effing way! You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?

John B looks at Pope

Pope: I dunno

JJ: Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share

Kie: You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing.

Pope: I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this.

John B: when are you not uncomfortable?

Pope: I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably.

JJ: it's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him.

John B: that's cute guys

Kie: you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her.

Y/n: that's not true, you're the only one who's uncomfortable with Sarah being here.

Sarah: stop talking about me like I'm not here!

Kie: then leave.

Sarah turns to John B

Sarah: I told you

Kie: Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?

Sarah: no, that you're a shit-talking bitch

Pope: oh shit!

Sarah: when have I lied?

Pope: my money's on Kie

I turn to Pope and JJ and whisper

Y/n: guys stop

Kie: you get somebody close to you-

Sarah: I didn't lie about shit-

John B: everybody shut up! 

Everyone suddenly is quiet

John B: Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah, you're... You're my...

Sarah: say it

John B: You're my girlfriend

Pope: ohh... that's new.

Kie: she's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose.

Sarah: you said you were using me?

John B: no

Kie: yeah, you did.

Pope: you said those things.

John B: look, love just walked in, okay?

Kie: oh , vomit

John B: I didn't expect it. It just- it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?

Pope: oh! That's corny.

Y/n: shut up

Kie: Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out.

John B: I'm not doing this. I can't!

Kie: You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually me or her?

John B: both

Pope: ooh.

JJ whistles

JJ: went for the Hail Mary.

Pope: noooo!

Kiara leaves

Y/n: seriously boys, you can't shut up for one second

Sarah: It'll be cool, right? I'm gonna leave.

John B: Sarah, don't

Sarah: gonna let y'all chat. Let me know.

Y/n: John B, you can't be serious? You were using her? Omg. I'm gonna let you losers fix this and don't you dare get me into this mess. But please involve me in the gold part

I leave and start to walk to my mom's house, I can't believen John B was using her. I walk in and it was a mess everywhere. It smelled like shit in here but my mom was nowhere to be seen. 

Y/n: Mom?!

I check her bedroom and there she was laying on the ground, vomit on her mouth and on the floor. But she wasn't breathing

Y/n: Mom! No, please. Wake up!

I start crying. Even though she was a shitty mom, she still is my mom. 

I diall 911

? : 911, what's your emergency?

Y/n: my- my mom

? : ok what's wrong with you're mom? Can you take a deep breath for me? In and out

I take a deep breath and explained everything, they sent an ambulance and police.

Shoup arrived with my dad

When I saw my dad I ran to him and hugged him

Dad: oh froggie, what happened?

He remembered the nickname?


A/n: sorry for not posting in a while, school is keeping me busy. I'll try my best, also sorry for the shorter chapter I just wanted to post something. Hope you're liking it so far.

word count: 877

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