Chapter 9 -🌶️

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I have no idea where to go now so I just walked back home. It was really late so I went straight to bed.

Suddenly my door opened and James walked in.

James: Y/n, I miss mommy

He's crying.

Y/n: hey, come here. Sleep with me.

James got into my bed and I hugged him.


The next day I woke up and got out of bed, not trying to wake up James. I walked in the kitchen and made some breakfast

A few minutes later dad walked in

Dad: morning, have you seen James? He isn't in his room

Y/n: he's sleeping in my bed, he misses mom. Hey dad, I'm sorry for running away yesterday.

Dad: it's okay, I get it

Y/n: it was just a lot to handle in one single day

Dad: really it's okay, when my mom died I was 8.

Y/n: how did she-?

Dad: cancer

Y/n: I'm sorry

Dad: it's okay I got over it, it was a long time ago

Y/n: even though she sucked at being a mom, she was still my mom but it feels so wrong to be sad.

Dad: I'm sorry for leaving and bever coming back

Y/n: you're here now, that's what matters

I hug him and he hugs me back

Suddenly the doorbell rang

Dad: I'll get it

I started eating the breakfast I prepared when Rafe walks in followed by Rose and Ward

Y/n: what the hell is going on?

Rose: we're so sorry for your loss, Y/n

Y/n: uhm thanks..?

Ward looked at me like I was some disgusting piece of shit.

And Rafe was looking at me like he was going to murder me. He took of his jumper and handed it to me

Rafe: cover up, you're not wearing anything

That was true I was only wearing a tiny top that you could easily see my tits through and some loose tiny shorts that bearily covered my ass.

I grabbed his jumper and put it on

Rafe: can we talk?

I looked at my father and saw that he was deeply in a conversation with Ward and Rose

Y/n: yeah.

We walk upstairs into my room but then remembered James was sleeping in my room so we walk inside my brother's room.

Rafe: why didn't you tell me?

Y/n: because it doesn't matter she was shit

Rafe: but I want to know what is going on in your life, I want to be there for you.

Y/n: why? It's not like you're my boyfriend!

Rafe: I want to be

Y/n: what?

Rafe walked closer

Rafe: I said I want to be

My back hit the wall

Rafe: Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n-

Y/n: you know my middle name?

Rafe: shut up

Y/n: sorry

Rafe: will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: yes

He kisses me but then the door opens luckily it was James

James: eww

Y/n: what do you need?

James: ipad

Y/n: ugh, cockblocker

James: what does that mean?

Y/n: uhm you go play on your ipad

James: okay

James grabbed his ipad and went downstairs

I walked to my room, Rafe following. He closed the door behind me and locked it.

I turned around and saw his smirk

Y/n: stop looking at me like that

Rafe: like what?

Y/n: like-

He shut me up by kissing me and lifting me up, my legs instantly wrapping around his waist.

Y/n: we should get back

Rafe: 10 more minutes

He drops me gently on the bed and makes quick work of our clothes.

I was soaking wet now, with all the strength in my body I turned us around so he was on his back.

I lined his cock up with my soaked entrance and slowly start sinking down.

Y/n: fuck

His hands find my hips holding me stable. I began to bounce on his cock and drag my nails across his chest.

My tits bouncing and I know he loves it. My walls start clenching so he knows I'm close
He begins thrusting harder and faster.

Y/n: Rafe, I'm close

Rafe: I know baby, cum for me

And as soon as the words left his mouth I came all over his dick. Loud. A few seconds later Rafe filled me up.

We rode out our highs and I collapsed against his chest

Y/n: do you think they heard us?

Rafe: definitly

We got dressed and went back downstairs seeing a horified expression on Rose's face. Ward not looking so happy with us. And let's not talk about my dad. Luckily James was wearing his headphones and interested in his ipad.

Dad: Y/n...  Rafe...

Y/n: uhm

Rafe: we're together

I gave him a dead glare and punched his arm

Rafe: what?

Y/n: why would you say that?

Rafe: I didn't know what else to say

Y/n: you could've just said nothing!

Ward: Rafe, we're going home!

After Rose and Ward said goodbye to my dad they left, Rafe was already outside

Dad: James can you go to your room and play?

James: ok daddy

James went upstairs

He raised his voice

Dad: Y/n how could you fuck Rafe Cameron in my house with his parents and your little brother.

He walked closer and I stepped back. He raised his hand and I ducked but it turned out he was bust sratching his forehead.

Dad: did you think I was gonna hit you?

I stared at him

Dad: she hit you didn't she?

Y/n: yes.


A/n: what do you guys think? 

word count: 830

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