Chapter 48

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The next day, I was still basking in the glow of becoming a new mom when a soft knock sounded on the hospital room door. 

Y/n: come in.

My dad and Joanna stepped into the room, their faces beaming with joy.

Dad: hey there, sweetheart. We brought some presents.

Y/n: ahw thanks.

His eyes lighted up at the sight of Maeve cradles in my arms

Dad: wow, she's beautiful.

I smiled back, feeling a swell of pride.

Y/n: thanks, dad. Come meet your granddaughter.

Extending Maeve towards him

Dad's hands trembled slightly as he gently took Maeve into his arms, his eyes fixed on her tiny face with wonder

Dad: she's perfect.

Joanna hovered close by, her smils radiant.

Joanna: welcome to the world, little one.

Dad: what's her name?

Y/n: Maeve.

Dad: like my mom, your grandma

Y/n: yeah.

Dad: she would've loved that

Rafe walked in

Y/n: hey.

Rafe: hey, beautiful.

He gives me a kiss on my forehead until turning his attention to Maeve.

My dad let Joanna also hold Maeve and slapped Rafe gently on the back.

Dad: I'm proud of you, both. You did good.

Rafe: thanks.

Dad: welcome to dad world, son. Get ready for late-night feedings, diaper changes, and endless rounds of peekaboo.

Rafe laughed

Rafe: I can't wait.

Dad: we've got to get going, we have the whole day of thanks to the babysitter so we're going to the spa. 

Y/n: I'll come by once I'm discarged, so James and Isabelle can meet Maeve too.

Joanna handed Maeve to Rafe and after saying goodbye they left the room.

Rafe sat down in the chair and put Maeve on his chest. They looked adorable.

Rafe: get some rest, please.

Just when he says that I yawn

Y/n: okay. I'll be up in 3 hours for feeding.

Rafe: I'll wake you up if there is anything.

Y/n: I love you, Rafe.

Rafe: I love you too.

After 3 hours of good rest I was feeding Maeve. 


A/n: I love it!!! Please don't tell me I'm alone.

word count: 307

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now