Chapter 11 - 🌶️

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A we enter the bathroop we immediately strip our clothes off, Rafe turns on the water making sure it's the right temperature.

We enter the hot shower. Rafe looks down at me smirking. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him. He slides his hands onto my ass squeezing them. He moves down to my neck leaving hickeys, causing me to moan.

Feeling Rafe's erection against my thigh and I drop to my knees and grab the base of his length stroking it a bit. I put my lips around the head of his dick. 

He gets frustated and puts his hand on my head pushing down on his cock making me gag. So I start sucking him of, pumping what doesn't fit. He soon starts thrusting his hips, I hold onto his thighs as I let him face fuck me.

Rafe: fuck, I'm close

I start sucking hard and roam my tongue around his tip to add more pleasure

Rafe: shit

I swallow every last drop and stand back up, my knees kind of cramped. Rafe kisses me and picks me and slams me against the shower wall. He kisses my neck moving down to my boobs. Sucking one of them, making me moan.

Y/n: Rafe, please

He lines himself up with my entrance and thrusts into me. 

Y/n: Rafe, I'm close

He goes faster and  I came apart. His thrust become sloppy, meaning he's close

Rafe: fuck I'm cumming 

He moans in pleasure as I feel his warm cum fill me up. 

Rafe pulls out of me and gently places me down. He catches me as I feel my legs wobbly

Rafe: woah, I got you 

he laughs

We dried off, got dressed and went downstairs, I limped down the stairs and Rafe was laughing at me then we saw my dad sitting on the couch, looking really pale and just staring right in front of him

Y/n: dad, you okay?

Dad: uh yeah, I just need some time alone. Can you take James and go somwhere?

Y/n: I am supposed to meet my friends but sure

Let's hope he doesn't remember that I'm grounded and doesn't bring up the fact Rafe is here

Dad: it's okay I'll call a sitter

Y/n: you sure?

Dad: yeah go

Y/n: thanks dad

We got out the door 

Y/n: could you please drop me off at the chateau?

Rafe: you know I don't like them

Y/n: please they're my friends

Rafe: you're lucky I need to go that way

Y/n: thank you, I'll make it up to you

Rafe: looking forward to it

He gives me his motorbike helmet and puts it on my head

It was a nice drive on his motorbike, I felt so free


We arrived and Rafe took the helmet of me 

Rafe: I'll text you

Y/n: ok bye

Rafe: you forgot something

Y/n: what?

Rafe pouted his lips and waited for me

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now