Chapter 26

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Y/n: Stop it! You're distracting me! 

I laughed as Rafe wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt his erection pressed against my ass. We were baking cookies, well I was baking cookies Rafe was distracting me with kisses.

Wheezie: you guys are disgusting. 

Y/n: well one thing that isn't disgusting is my cookies

Wheezie: cookies?

He whole face lit up at the word cookies.

Y/n: yes, it's my mother's recipe. You can help decorate when they're ready, they're in the oven now but I'm making the icing now.

Wheezie: I'll help.

Y/n: thank god because this one is not helpful at all

Rafe: I'm offended

She smiles a little, it's nice seeing her and Rafe smile due to the circumstances.

The timer went off for the cookies so I opened the oven and got the tray out

Wheezie: mmhm, that smells delicious.

Y/n: we'll let them cool down and then we can decorate them.

Wheezie: okay!

She walked to the living room and sat down on the couch to watch a movie.

Rafe's hands came back around my waist and he started kissing my neck

Rafe: our baby is growing.

Y/n: it is, I can't wear anything in my closet

Rafe: so that's why half of my closet is missing.

Y/n: you're clothes are comfy and smell like you

Rafe: you know we should move in together, I've money saved up and I've got my dad's heritage. We're having a baby together and we're getting serious, I think we should do it.

Y/n: I don't know, Rafe. I know what I got myself into when I decided to keep the baby but I really want to go to college after I graduate, if I even graduate.

Rafe: okay, but just think about it for me. And I'm sure you will graduate, you're on the smartest people I know. 

Y/n: I love you

Rafe: I love you too.

We kiss passionately

Wheezie: Are the cookies ready yet?

We break apart and Rafe pops a cookie in his mouth

Rafe: yep

He says with his mouth full

After an hour of decorating, our cookies came out really good, except for Rafe's but they were still edible, actually I'm not really sure.



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Rafe: Y'all were teaming, mine look horrible

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Rafe: Y'all were teaming, mine look horrible

Wheezie: yeah they do

Y/n: atleast you tried, I think they look.... cute...?

Rafe: no they are disgusting. 

Y/n: but what is that green thing? 

Rafe: a frog

Wheezie and I burst out laughing

Y/n: oh my god, I'm gonna pee my pants, that is not a frog. Shit I'm crying

Wheezie: me too

Rafe: I don't like this friendship, you two are cruel

Wheezie: it looks like a cactus

Y/n: no no no. A pickle

We burst out laughing again.

Once we composed ourselves, Wheezie went to her room with a batch of cookies and me and Rafe went to the doctor.

Doctor: well everything looks perfect. Do you want to know the gender?

Y/n: no

Rafe: yes

Y/n: okay fine, yes

Doctor: congrats you two are having a girl. 

Y/n: oh my god. 

Rafe: wow

Doctor: your due date is probably around christmas

Y/n: oh I would love a little christmas miracle.


A/n: I am so sorry for not posting in a while but I'm trying my best. I would just like to tell everyone a late merry christmas and a late happy new year. For anyone interested I'm currently working on a new book, also Rafe endgame so make sure to check my account for the first chapter. 

word count: 607

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