Chapter 58

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The honeymoon was amazing, we had so much fun and a lot of sex. I'm kinda sad I'm home again but also not because I missed my little girl. 

Y/n: so what did we miss?

I immediately walk towards Maeve who was crawling on her playmat.

Y/n: she's crawling?

Dad: yeah, this morning and hasn't stopped since

Y/n: ow.

I kneel down beside Maeve, watching her tiny hands and knees move with determination across the mat. She looks up at me with a big, toothless grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Y/n: Look at you go, little explorer!

Maeve giggles, I reach out to her and she grabs onto my fingers, pulling herself up to a wobbly standing position.

Dad: she's been doing that all day too. She's unstoppable now.

Y/n: I can't believe we missed her first crawl.

Dad: don't worry, there'll be plenty more firsts. She's just getting started.

I smile, feeling a mix of pride and a twinge of sadness for the moments I missed. But being here now, seeing her determination and joy, make up for it.

Y/n: You know, I think she waited for us to come back to show off her new skills.

Dad chuckles, nodding in agreement.

Maeve lets go of my fingers and plops back down on the mat, immediately starting to crawl again. I sit back on the couch and watch her, feeling grateful for the little moments that make up our life together.

Y/n: so, what's next on her list of milestones?

Dad: well, I think she's eyeing the coffee table. Climbing might be next? Or maybe talking? She's been babbling a lot.

Y/n: Better start baby-proofing everything again.

We both laugh, enjoying the simple pleasure of being home with Maeve. Rafe comes into the living room and sits down next to me as he hands me a glass of wine.

Rafe: thought you could use this.

Y/n: thanks, babe.

I take a sip, savoring the taste and the moment. Rafe wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. Maeve notices the new addition to the scene and starts making her way toward us, her determined crawl slow but steady.

Rafe: look at her go. She's gonna be running around in no time.

Y/n: don't remingd me. It's all happening so fast.

Rafe: Yeah, but we'll keep up. We always do.

Maeve reaches us, pulling herself up using Rafe's leg for support. She looks up at us with her big eyes, babbling something that sounds almost liek words.

Y/n: are you trying to tell us something, sweetie?

Maeve: Ba-ba-ba!

Rafe: I think she's saying 'Daddy.'

Y/n: or 'bottle.' Either way, it's adorable.

Maeve giggles, clearly pleased with the attention. Rafe reaches down and lifts her into his lap, making funny faces that have her laughing even harder. I lean into his side, feeling a wave of contentment wash over me. This is home. This is everything.

Rafe: you know, I was thinking...

Y/n: oh, here we go.

Rafe: very funny. No, seriously. We should document all of this. Her milestones, our moments. Maybe start a family journal or something.

Y/n: I love that idea. It would be amazing to look back on all these memories someday.

Rafe: Exactly. And who knows, maybe one day she'll appreciate seeing how much we cherished these moments.

Y/n: she definitely will. And until then, we'll just keep making more memories.

Rafe smiles, kissing the top of my head. We sit there, enjoying the simplicity of the evening, knowing that while our honeymoon was magical, the real adventure is just beginning.


Joanna, James and my dad went to sleep a long time ago but Rafe and I stayed on the couch watching a movie with Maeve cuddled up on Rafe's chest. The soft glow of the television cast a warm light over the room, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

Y/n: I can't believe how peaceful she looks.

Rafe: She's always so calm when she's with us. It's like she knows she's safe.

I reach over and gently stroke Maeve's tiny hand, feeling her soft, delicate skin against my fingers. Her slow, rhythmic breathing matches the rise and fall of Rafe's chest.

Y/n: I love moments like this. Just the three of us.

Rafe: Me too. It's like our own little world.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while, the movie playing softly in the background. Maeve stirs slightly, her little fingers twitching as she dreams. I can't help but smile, thinking about how much our lives have changed in such a short time.

Y/n: Do you ever think about what she'll be like when she grows up?

Rafe: all the time. I imagine she'll be adventurous, just like her parents.

Y/n: And kind. I hope she has a big heart.

Rafe: She will. We'll make sure of it.

I rest my head on Rafe's shoulder.

Y/n: You know, I'm really happy. This, right there, is everything I've ever wanted.

Rafe: me too. And just think, this is only the beginning.

Y/n: yeah, we have so much to look forward to.

Rafe shifts slightly, careful not to wake Maeve, and wraps his other arm around me, pulling us all closer together. The movie fades into the background as we focus on each other, cherishing the quiet, perfect moment.

Y/n: thank you for this. For everything.

Rafe: No, thank you. For our beautiful family.

We share a tender kiss, sealing the promise of many more moments like this to come. As the night wears on and the movie comes to an end, we eventually drift off to sleep, Maeve nestled safely between us, surrounded  by love.


A/n: My sincere apologies for not posting, I had no motivation or ideas. Hope you like it, 2 more chapters and then we're finished. I think it's a good time to end this soon. Stay safe, I love you!

word count: 926

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