Chapter 49

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She's been crying all day and all night, I can't do it anymore. She doesn't like me, she only likes Rafe, especially in the night. I suck at being a mother and I look ugly, the stretchmarks and everything. 

Rafe is busy with his dad's funeral so he isn't home today. I'm all on my own for a few hours. I can it, I can't. The first few days everything was good, she was quiet but now she cries the whole time. I need it to stop.

I called my dad because I was tired, hungry and needed a shower. He was coming over in a few with Joanna.

As I waited for them to arrive, I felt a mixture of relief and apprehension. Relief that I wouldn't be alone in dealing with my daughter's constant crying, and apprehension at the thought of facing my father's judgement. Would he see me as a failure, incapable of handling the responibilities of motherhood?

But as they walked through the door, I was greeted not with judgement, but with understanding and empathy. My dad enveloped me in a tight embrace, his comforting presence a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

Y/n: thank you

Dad: it's okay.

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I gratefully accepted their help. I retreated to the bathroom, the warm water of the shower washing away the physical and emotional exhaustion that had settled deep within my bones. For a few precious moments, I allowed myself to simply exist, to breathe, to let go of the overwhelming weight that had been bearing down on me.

When I emerged from the bathroom, I found my dad and Joanna sitting in the living room, my daughter cradled in Joanna's arms. She was rocking Maeve gently back and forth.

As I approached them, my dad smiled reassuringly at me.

Dad: You're doing the best you can, sweetheart. Motherhood is tough, but you're tougher. And you're not alone in this, we're here for you every step of the way.

Y/n: thank you for everything.

Dad: Do you want to get some sleep while we're here? It will do you good.

Y/n: no need to ask me twice. Rafe should be back around 4. 

Dad: okay.


A/n: I was going to read today but instead I'm sitting here in my bed writing. My reading goal this year is 60 books, last year it was 50 and I completed it but now I'm a bit worried because I'm already 5 books behind schedule. Do you have a reading goal?

word count: 413

Reality - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now